still have yet to see a buck this year, haven't even seen a doe in a couple of weeks. This is supposed to be the lowest deer kill in 25 years due to the last 2 winters being so severe. Good news, I leave in 6 days for Illinois, should at least see a buck out their.I have been talking to the outfitter regularly and he assures me that i will see some nice bucks. Putting one down is a whole other story.
Good luck! I'm headed out Friday night for a week to split between northern tier PA and southern tier NY. It will be 9 days of straight hunting, and I cannot wait!
I've been seeing bucks... but I must have some 40 yard force field around me. I can't get a shooter in closer. Saw six bucks the other night all after one doe. Only two were 'shooters' and neither was particularly big (maybe 130's and 120's) but I would have taken either had they come close enough. Of course only the five pointer came close enough. Yesterday morning I had a nice big 9 pointer practically circle me at 50 yards... dang. Today I'm resting and I'll be back at it tomorrow.
I am back from Illinois and unfortunately did not tag out.Saw some nice bucks but couldn't ge them in range. The stand locations by the outfitter need to be tweaked. They had alot of the stands on food sources but the deer were running crazy in the draws between the corn and soy bean fields.I saw a couple of bucks that i will be having dreams of for the next year until hopefully i can go back west. Their is definitely an abundance of large racked deer in the part of Illinois i was in.I talked with the outfitter some after the hunt about the stand locations, they are fairly new to the business and have some to learn, but they were honest and nice so I have no regrets about my trip. I will admit I am a little burnt right now on bowhunting, but am on vacation the rest of this week and part of next week so I will get back at it in a day or two but knowing I won't see deer like i did in Illinois is a little depressing. Good luck everyone.