The Rack Pack (Team 4) - Official Thread....... Can we start a roll call? :D How about a little intro, where you hunt, etc. I look forward to sharing my season with you guys this year! ~Matt Edit - To include the list of those that have checked in...... Mechdoc dmen Rick James cmesserges elkhuntinut Christine RDHunter Countryboy95
lol........thanks for the vote of confidence. By the many inches of antler did you contribute last year to your team? :D
I'm just here for looks and moral support. I leave the killing up to people who know what they're doing. :D
Im checkin in. Looks like we got a real good team this year. I will be hunting all over IL and South East WI. Good luck to everyone this season.
Checking in here. Been hunting Illinois the past few seasons. Got some new spots this year that look good. Good luck to everyone.
Edited my first post to show who has checked in. I'll be hunting mostly NY this year, in the south/central part of the state as well as up in the northern zone in the Adirondacks. I'll also be hunting at my camp in Bradford County, PA as well. We have some good deer for the northeast, I've killed quite a few 90-100" 2.5 and 3.5's over the last 5 years or so, but this year I'm going to really try for a 110" or better 3.5+ buck.
You're sorry? I'm sorry that you got stuck with them! My bet says Christine puts up at least half of the points of Team 4 :D
Elknut, now you hunt real hard in Col for that Elk and you leave the Bucks alone in NW PA and i'll take care of them. Good luck Doug!! Gues what Doug i got paid again Woo Hoo!!!! all is good good Luck everyone your gonna need it.
RDHunter checking in ... I'll be hunting S.E. lower Michigan and hoping to score some points this season.
Not a problem, I have my eyes on NY:D:D I am planning on Illinois for Nov 2-10....may the deer gods be with me
Well .... I see this is going to be a pretty active team. At this time I would like to elect Rick James , elkhuntinut or Christine as a team captian, as for a team name ... anything will be fine with me. I hope everyone has a safe and successful season this year and I also hope that we beat last years champs.