looks like someone checked in as team 4 on the scorecard and put us down for more sheds than we have lol. It says we have 86 right now.
I found two more last night. A 2 point side and a nice 5 point side. The 5 point side was was from last year as it was chewed up pretty good and had weeds growing around it. Hopefully will get some warmer weather here soon, so I can morel hunt and shed hunt at the same time.
Nice job. Ill get it marker down. Im probably going to start looking for some morels for the first time this year.
Haha dont give up yet. I found my first of the year last weekend. Ill be lucky if i find another but ill keep looking.
Nice work! Way to get the first one out of the way. I havent had any luck lately. I was out all afternoon yesterday and today with nothing to show for it.
Hey guys hows it going? I was out some today with no luck. Its starting to get green and thick out there so its making it more difficult. Hopefully you guys will have some more luck.