How'd it go Bowhunter? I will more than likely get out at some point this weekend. Saw a shooter this weekend and that is the best feeling in the world. Knowing he survived both gun seasons and the chances of 1. One of our family taking him or 2. Him making it to next year and getting bigger are the most likely scenarios.
I just bought the scent blocker outfitter jacket and I freaking love it. It is the warmest jacket I have ever worn.
Hey team, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry that I have not been any help on the scoreboard. I have been dealing with a shoulder injury that has made it very painful to draw my bow. It is kinda hard to enjoy something that hurts you that bad. With all of that said, I hope to still be able to get some stand time in now that I can use a crossbow for the last part of Illinois season. Once again, I am sorry.
Wow, I just noticed the PM asking me to respond to this thread on 8-25. I don't know what happened but I was having trouble with getting around on the contest page last fall. Hopefully This fall it will work for me to get into the contest. Congrats to all on their season.