Not sure when I'll be able to get out... This weekend would be perfect but I'm heading up north to do some ice fishing for the entire weekend. Supposed to be close to 40 - We don't have much snow at all and I have a few cut corn fields where I've seen 10+ deer in at dark. Itching to get out!
Ive been out walking the property as often as I can but won't add too much pressure to the bedding and food sources until February or March.
Knob mob is good with me to. If we go with it capt just edit our team title, if you cant get it let me know and ill edit for you!
Thanks. I also kind of like letting the woods calm down a bit and will be hoofing it hard starting second week of February.
Knob Mob sounds good to me as well! I'm gonna wait a few weeks to start, in the mean time I'll be starting the next stage of land clearing on my property for food plots, orchard and pond. We are supposed to get some snow in the next week, which always makes it easier IMO, to find beds and sheds! I have about 900 acres to search on and around my property, plus 9000 acres of public land that I plan on hitting up a few times.
That's a heck of a lot of land. I'm planning to thoroughly search both places I hunt in the name of research and then several park areas I used to walk my dog on that have some bruisers in there.
well, it's gonna be awhile before i can get out. We're supposed to get 2+ feet of snow monday into wednesday...
Hey that's alright Joe. Plenty of time. With that much land, do you target bedding areas or have a way to make the best of your searches?
I got out a little saturday and found 1 veeeeery old one! It was just a small beam, burr completly chewed off, only evidence of being a shed was brow was hanging on by a thread! I left it lay!
Hey a Shed, is a Shed, no matter what formation it is found in. If the Mod doesnt think its legit they will let us know
I'll usually start in the bedding areas, then follow the runs, then give those areas a rest and check them again a few weeks later. I don't find as many sheds as a lot of the Midwest guys, so when I find them I consider them a trophy! Lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I don't even have a target number but hopefully I impress myself. There's a few long runs on the edge of fields that have low lying limbs I'll be checking multiple times. Hoping the limbs may knock an antler loose.