Temps have been unseasonably warm here aswell. Gonna be above 60° tomorrow for my hunt. I'm definitely gonna be hunting near water. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk
Last day of Gun...passed on a doe. Did not see any buck... That means from Dec 26th...it's back to buck and doe with the bow or cross bow!
I've been quiet for awhile, the bow has been down..gun out taking the kids out. Today it finally happened... had them both with me, last second of shooting time. Also, damn near 70°, on December 13th and he came out in full chase mode grunting. Will go down as one of the most memorable hunts ever for me. (Yes shorts) Obviously he was hit or something during velvet, cool/weird rack...oldest wants it so I'm going to do a euro. Another look at the funkyness...
That's an awesome looking buck. Huge congrats. Definitely cool your boys were with you. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk
Well guys sorry I haven't been around much. Been a rough year temps are ridiculous. Been reluctant to shoot a doe just cause I've been after a certain buck that I have patterned to a specific area. However if the heat wasn't bad enough the river is projected to put the entire farm under water. So I went up this morning and shot a doe and pulled all my cameras out. I have a public ground spot I'm gonna hunt till the river goes back down. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Gonna be boomstick hunting for a late season doe here soon fellas. Man it oddly enough kinda excites me to be taking a gun (hope that passes...hahaa!) been so long since I have. We have a late season bonus antlerless season for firearms in certain counties...the Thompson Center Impact may rumble. Kinda fun being done contributing here but miss the chase...especially if you guys saw some of the pics we have been getting.....2 GIANTS!!! Get out there fellas, one final push and we may have a shot at this still yet!
Still after a doe here....... Hoping fro something to pull together this week since I am off work the rest of the week. Bucks are still not showing up but never know when one can pop out. Our season closes the Jan. 1st but I will be hitting Ohio as much as I can until there's closes some time in February. Its not over until it is over Update for some of you that may of not seen on my Facebook. The chase for Turkey Foot finally ended. He was shot last Tuesday on a farm across the road from ours. The guy was nice enough to let us come over and finally lay our hands on him and give us the story. Since then I have talked to a few people and turns out that deer covered some serious ground over the past few years. I am actually shocked he made as long as he did with how much ground he was covering. I always planned on writing something up if I was able to get the job done and with a closer we have I wasn't sure if I was going to. mentioned it to a few people and they convinced me to write the story. Should have it done today if any of you guys are interested in reading it PM me your emails and I will send a copy when its all done. Fair warning its a long read haha. Hope everyone has a great holiday this week.
I've got one more hunt left in me... lol. Hopefully I can get one more this year. Sent from my SM-S820L
Well boys I'm not giving up on any of ya, but I'm praying a Christmas miracle happens in the coming days and rest of December for you all....love to stick together again. Have a great and blessed Christmas fellas!
Hope y'all have a very Merry Christmas fellas! Best wishes from my family to all of your families. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk
Team - Had a great Christmas with the fam and today, hit the woods for the am and pm. Both times I saw deer. Am saw 4 but spooked them. Had a yote close to shooting distance which was really cool. Evening had 5 deer closing in on my stand however, ran out of daylight before they got within range. So bummer that it almost came together.
Hope every one had a great holiday. Unfortunately I was only able to make it out Thursday evening. Thought I was going to get the job done on a doe but I forgot one important thing when shooting out of a blind......... Make sure your arrow is going to clear the blind before you shoot. After blowing through the plywood she escaped wondering what that noise was.
Oops...as they say! I almost got it done again this morning...two more steps and the arrow was flying. Detected me and was off like a prom dress.
Yup all I could do was laugh at myself after. I know that feeling to well as of lately. Wont make it out again till Thursday but I will be hunting the last three evenings hoping for something to come together
Well, my season is over guys. I really enjoyed all the fun. Even though I only put a 100 points up for the team. I had a good year. Killed 5 in total and have plenty of meat. Ive really enjoy this season. Sent from my SM-S820L