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Team 4 - HONOVI HUNTERS Official Thread

Discussion in '2015 Deer Contest' started by tynimiller, Jul 6, 2015.

  1. coheley665

    coheley665 Die Hard Bowhunter

    Jun 29, 2012
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    Yeah I did end up putting one down... To be honest I wasn't happy all morning yesterday. Not sure what, how or why but when I first seen him pulled up the binos and could tell he was right by the tip of his ears and looked tall for somereason. Well after the quick glance I just went into focus mode not paying any attention to the rack. As soon as he popped out I let him have it. When I relized it was not what I thought I was pretty upset but as the day went on the more I just thought it is what it is and have to take every opportunity as a blessing. I would of liked to see him make it another year but none the less he's going in the freezer.
  2. Rick James

    Rick James Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 24, 2008
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    West Central IL
    Well guys - Bad news. I've been hesitant to share this publicly but unfortunately I burned most of my vacation last week going for broke on Steve and then ended up shooting him with no recovery.............

    When I went down there, I checked the cams on Saturday. Last pics of him were on 11/2. I was pretty sure he left somewhere on lock down with a doe but I knew he would be back and faithfully waited for him doing all day sits (passing several other decent deer). He showed back up on 11/10 at 2pm. Unfortunately I put an arrow in him, but was not able to recover. It was a pretty hard quartering away shot at 22 yards. I shot him for 25 yards and hit him about 2" higher than I wanted and am pretty sure I got one lung with about 3/4 of an arrow in him. I backed out immediately and let him go overnight. I'm 99% sure he's dead, but after a 150 yard sparse blood trail that dried up I grid searched every square foot of the property. Big thanks to Franki for helping me look for him and missing work in the process, both he and Clinton are class acts and really treated me like family last week. Wish I had something to show for the time and effort I put into that place.

    I did get back after it Friday-Sunday at my lease up in the NW part of the state. Ended up passing another 3 y/o up there and numerous smaller 1-2 y/o's too. Had our biggest buck on that property (El Chapo) come through at about 70 yards. He's a mid 160's buck that we have a few pics of. Unfortunately he was on a mission and wouldn't respond to a grunt or the antlers.

    Unfortunately the best part of the season is over for me and my time is running out. The gun hunters will be at it hard next weekend and it's going to be really cold, I suspect they will do some serious damage.

    I'll be back after it for a 3 day weekend down in Fulton County starting the day after Thanksgiving. I know it's HIGHLY unlikely but I'm really hoping to have more pics of Steve to confirm that he's still alive. If I don't have any pics I'll be after the does hard that weekend. I've got a TON of food left on that place including half an acre of turnips and 2 acres of beans. Once things get cold I should have plenty of chances at a doe and maybe even another crack at a decent buck if I'm lucky.

    Hope all is well for the rest of you out there. Wish I had more to contribute at this point but it's not for a lack of trying. I'll keep in touch when I get back out next and good luck to those of you still out there!
  3. tynimiller

    tynimiller Legendary Woodsman

    Oct 17, 2011
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    That sucks Matt, but man you put the effort in no doubt I know. I still think given the location and description of food you got left, there could be some magic still left there without a doubt, and a doe to top it off.

    Nick, I hear ya man, just be thankful you live in a two buck state...I do and don't wish we had a two buck limit.

    Like I've shared, pops and I lose all of our places once gun rolls in to landowners that wanna run around (literally) trying to hunt the various farms....with both our bucks on the ground and a doe for me we both are letting the Homestead (only place we can hunt right now) set and be a sanctuary for all the deer in gun season.

    We did lose a resident stud, will share pics when home. He's a real old buck, I would guess 7 plus from the lack of teeth description by pops that saw him in person. Got an awesome video of him chasing days prior to being killed. Also lost the big tall 8 to a neighbor week prior to gun. Still some awesome bucks running around that if they live out the gun season will be BEASTS next year. Will keep you guys posted. Also should finally have a score for my buck from the taxidermist. He was taking some personal time for hunting, don't blame him.
  4. coheley665

    coheley665 Die Hard Bowhunter

    Jun 29, 2012
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    Dang Matt that's a tough one, hopefully you will be able to confirm he is still up and moving. I'm not counting you out yet though seem as you have some great properties out there and if u have the food once things start to get bad u will be able to capitalize. Just keep grinding away at it.

    As for me I am hoping some deer will move in where I shot my buck yesterday. There really wasn't any shots near by though which is pretty good. I feel that spot will pull in a buck come December. Also made it out to the public twice this weekend. Hung a cam last night and will be trying to locate a buck out there. Heading out for the morning hunt there tomorrow then will take a gander around to see what's going on around there.
  5. tynimiller

    tynimiller Legendary Woodsman

    Oct 17, 2011
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    Pops picked up my scorecard yesterday from the taxi, he's been known to make addition errors so I'll add it all up before I post but he said it was 125 6/8. Honestly for losing part of his left beam and having no G3 like he normally did Junior scored amazing! He is probably proof score doesn't constitute BIGGEST I'd venture to say he's the biggest buck I've shot despite having two over 130.

    If he'd grown symmetrical like years past he'd been right around 138....another inch spread most likely....beam would have been touch longer...and a G3. Heck of a straight 8.

    We've grown quiet fellas and that is no fun, seasons can't be changed but would love to see some November and December magic by us to pull this thing out so we don't have to risk getting put on teams next year of dead weight bahaha!

    Rick, you hitting the woods this weekend then? need me to come up and show you how to do it? j/k

    blessings fellas!
  6. Rick James

    Rick James Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 24, 2008
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    West Central IL
    Congrats on the buck!

    No hunting this weekend. The orange army takes over from Fri-Sun. Unfortunately the weather will be perfect for them as well......they are talking snow and weather in the teens. I'll be back after it on Black Friday through the following Sunday.

  7. tynimiller

    tynimiller Legendary Woodsman

    Oct 17, 2011
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    Can you hunt that local urban spot with bow or no? Is Illinois not like Indiana where you can continue bow hunting throughout?
  8. Rick James

    Rick James Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 24, 2008
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    West Central IL
    Can't hunt during shotgun seasons in IL unless you are in a no guns county. Unfortunately all of my spots are in counties that allow gun hunting............

  9. coheley665

    coheley665 Die Hard Bowhunter

    Jun 29, 2012
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    Ty I told you that you are more then welcome to come up lol

    Went out yesterday morning didn't see anything..... But since I haven't had the chance I did some scouting to see what is going on around there. Glad I did.. Found out the main trail that goes by where I satin the morning was blocked off from a fallen tree so I opened that back up and right away got pics last night. Ended up covering 7 miles yesterday and walked away with confirming everything leads down to where I was in the morning and where I shot my buck last year. Temps are dropping with a chance of snow, and some of the bucks should be breaking off of the does these next few days. Going to hit the public hard this weekend and see if I cant catch up with one.
  10. tynimiller

    tynimiller Legendary Woodsman

    Oct 17, 2011
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    Ah got ya...

    I will some year...funds on freeze though because potentially may have to try and come up with a down payment on the one farm I hunt should the owner's back surgery fall through...may not seem like much but the tag and potential taxi bill from the trip could go a ways in a down payment.

    Good luck brother, sounds like opening up the artery is gonna pay off and the time spent confirming thoughts is huge. If you guys got the rain we did even better because scent is gonna be gone.

    Everyone else good luck and keep us posted, this is when we make our move!
  11. coheley665

    coheley665 Die Hard Bowhunter

    Jun 29, 2012
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    Yeah I hear you. I would hate to total up this year on what I have spent for out of state hunting, and two taxidermist bills so far........
    Yup we got some rain last night to wash everything away and some more today.
  12. tynimiller

    tynimiller Legendary Woodsman

    Oct 17, 2011
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    It is the only thing keeping me from doing it honestly. We are blessed to have walked into a great spot home wise, and hold no mortgage. If the deal is right I even think I could convince my wife of refinancing and carrying a payment but refinancing would cut the price of the 30 acres or so I want in half most likely...time will tell.

    The farmer has already said he'd love to just sell all 70 acres home and barns to me when he moves/retires...sad thing is though you're talking by then probably a $750K purchase.....and God ain't blessed me even remotely well enough to carry that kinda payment. However if his surgery goes badly and he can't farm the time may be pressing to talk about portion of it...who knows we shall see.

    Enough of that though, anyone else got anymore updates?
  13. tynimiller

    tynimiller Legendary Woodsman

    Oct 17, 2011
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    Fitz updated scorecard. Once my buck score is in there we are in the top 10 at a quick glance for sure and easily within striking nice to see bloodrunner check in like last year for the first time and have a buck down...
  14. almightynut

    almightynut Weekend Warrior

    Aug 5, 2013
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    eastern shore maryland
    Hey guys how is everything going? Sorry i haven't been on things are crazy for me this year. I havent been able to get out this year yet but friday we are going to look at this public land that not many people have access to with a locked gate and we have the numbers to the lock. My step dad has been hunting the property we lease but its bad this year nothing and i mean nothing is happending there. So im hoping i can start hunting this public land around thanksgiving and after untillnthe season ends. Ty miller nice deer bro i was able to see it Facebook good job. You to nick nice job bro. Everyone else is doing great. Im honored to be on a team with so many great hunters. God bless guys and im going to do my best to keep in touch with you all
  15. tynimiller

    tynimiller Legendary Woodsman

    Oct 17, 2011
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    NUT! Glad to see you pop in brother! Stay at it and lay something down brother, can't wait for the post!
  16. almightynut

    almightynut Weekend Warrior

    Aug 5, 2013
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    eastern shore maryland
    Thanks going to try get on here on a daily bases now i got my new phone in thats works so much better
  17. NebBowhunter

    NebBowhunter Weekend Warrior

    Aug 26, 2011
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    Well guys I got back today from a week of hunting and I'm sad to say I put nothing down. I had every opportunity at many smaller bucks but the big studs that I have been chasing never came around. I still have a chance after thanksgiving when I head out for a couple days. Good news is I spotted a couple studs still chasing does so hopefully they can make it the rest of gun season and will be at the food plots later this year.
    Best of luck to those still out hunting.
  18. Bootlegger

    Bootlegger Grizzled Veteran

    Jan 20, 2013
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    Hey all, I'm still hunting. Muzzle loader opened up two weeks ago here. Rifle this Saturday. So its kinda on a down hill for me. I'm glad I got my 4 does and small 7 point so far though. Lots of meat, which we eat a lot of Sad to say, the Big 9 point got himself shot last week at the neighbors farm with a muzzleloader. Still have the big 10 and crooked brow 9 point.

    Did buy a new Covert mp8 black and got it up today. Suppose to be 28 here Saturday night....happy times.

    Sent from my XT830C
  19. coheley665

    coheley665 Die Hard Bowhunter

    Jun 29, 2012
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    Snow is moving in tonight about 2am and suppose to keep up all day Saturday. I will be sitting the stand where I shot my buck last year hoping for a repeat. Think I will have my buddy sitting along the creek where I have been sitting the few times I have been out so far this year. Hoping one of us can catch up with a good one. If we get as much snow as they are calling for I will have to break out the sled instead of the bike for Saturday afternoon/ Sunday. Been a long time since I have been able to sit the first snow fall of the year. Hoping its going to spark things up
  20. pick00l

    pick00l Weekend Warrior

    Jun 23, 2009
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    Wanted to share my plan for the rest of the season and it's affects on points.

    - Rifle season starts the Monday after Thanksgiving. I enjoy hunting with the gun so, will be out there Monday and Tuesday. If I see a good buck, I will not be passing on it. I will not however shoot a doe with my gun. Saving that for late season archery.
    - If I do not tag out on Monday or Tuesday, I may get in some short hunts at the house in the evenings or mornings and will use the crossbow for that. If I see a decent buck or doe, it's going down.
    - If I make it past rifle and into late archery / muzzleloader with all my tags, I will hunt mainly with the xbow or my compound (depending on where I am hunting and weather). Will try to get a buck or doe at that point. Anything decent is open season.

    If I were a betting man...(which I only do in Vegas at the craps table) I would guarantee 50 points is coming before the end of the season.

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