Wow yeah he's definitely a nice buck. I didn't end seeing anything yesterday evening. Wind was really swirling on me. The deer have been keeping my little plot mowed down pretty well. Waiting for the right time to sir there though. Thinking it's going to be a better late season spot. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk
I wonder is he would score 140" I'm not good at guessing. I just know he's a monster buck for here Sent from my XT830C
He'll go 140"+ I got the following: Mass - 31" Main Beams - 44" Spread - 17" G1's - 9" G2's - 14" G3's - 18" G4's - 10" Total - 143"
I hope to see him this year. I think he's bedding back behind my house. Put a stand up today about 20 yards off the trail I seen him go down. Sent from my XT830C
I don't share a lot of these, but figured I'd post just one. His name is "Steve". This is the one that just showed up on my place down south. I'm naming him after the neighbor that won't let me cross his corner of property to access the backside of our property. He's a decent guy, but now I have to hike a good 1 mile stretch all on foot and cross a steep briar infested draw halfway through the property to hunt this buck. I'm still picking the thorns out of my arms from this weekend. So I'm naming the buck after him.
Hold on a min while I pick up my jaw! What a hoss Matt. That dude is HUGE. What a great way to name him also. Haha. Good luck filling a tag out for that beast. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk
Very nice buck Rick. Here's one of the bucks that I will be chasing later this week. Heading out to western Nebraska on Wednesday and staying through next Tuesday. Hopefully something will get scored by next week.
Awesome looking bucks guys. Hopefully some of them can hit the ground soon. Been after it pretty good the last few days but decided to work today and tomorrow due to rain today and 30+mph winds tomorrow. Bee seeing plenty of deer but haven't been In the right spot yet. Monday evening we did end up seeing a real good buck on the other side of the road bumping some doe around. Also had a real close encounter with crooked brow 8pt. He was about 10 yards short of coming out of the corn into the food plot. Friday wind is calming back down and will e ac after it hard. Most f corn is gone now so hoping we can start getting pictures of turkey foot again
The buck roar paid off tonight !! Had a buck coming down the fence and couldn't quite tell what it was, let out a buck roar and turned him inside out. When he blew out of there I knew he had good reason and it didn't take a minute for me to see what his reason was. Had some problems with the dang crossbow but finally managed to make it fire and my buck plowed the ground for 30 yards and went down. Not my largest but I'll never pass one like this, especially when they charge in to a call Little wore out tonight so I'll get him scored and entered tomorrow!!
That's a very nice buck JLS. Nice 8's are actually my favorite rack on whitetails. Sounds like it was an awesome heart pumping hunt aswell. Great stuff man. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk
Well fellas, great news...and bad news. The Swamp Property is starting to show more and more buck movement. Two shooters (yes one appears to be RD but he is declining like feared with age) are flirting with light by about 30 minutes..... Bad news is though they are leaving the state sanctuary ground and walking across the dirt access road the idiot neighbors walk everyday they hunt...and they hunt a lot, no matter the is a hard pill to swallow but nothing we can do right now because the landowner is getting ready for a neck/back surgery and 2 years ago he granted one of the neighbor's permission to walk that which he probably used it as a blanket agreement for anyone (sometimes 3 dudes are hunting...we suspect state ground may be getting hunted again as well). Not having the power to tell them to stop walking the road ourselves we must put up with it. It is obviously affected the big bucks though as their not rut crazed...the does and yearlings are hitting the picked corn field yards from the state ground (stand is overlooking corn right there)...but the mature ones are not coming out till dark or until after the hunters walk clockwork.
**Also we got some big bucks working scrapes and moving more and more at the parent's place (Homestead Prop)....Curly is back and his beams cross (literally cross at their tips it appears) this year....he's making me want to hunt the Homestead place more but we are trying to hold off a few more days before hunting the prime spots there.
Gonna try bud, I'll be honest this is the least amount of hunting motivation I've ever had...the issues we've had kinda squelched the fire, but some of the buck down texts (JLS one of them) is kinda re-igniting it. I will say this much if we shut down that access road and get landowner to let neighbor's know he no longer desires them to walk through his property to get to the west parcel the WHOLE game changes on this property and needless to say I would pay most of my side job money to keep this property....this protected federal ground is simply chalked full of bucks like RD and it cannot be hunted, this access road runs along it, but with all the traffic (foot and car) it hurts all mature buck movement outside of when they are seriously chasing....even RD had picture taken 2 years back in the middle of the day crossing this road after a doe!
Also we got this boy at the home through in the night so not bedding close (5AM is the nearest to light he's been)...but if he is the buck I think he is, he will set up shop close by soon if he already hasn't. Images still shots from a video of him working a scrape, got tons of vids of him and others working this scrape entering the food plot. Need to get pops to put a better cam on it, top two are from old cam. THis Primos is like 8 years old.