Well guys, I'm ready. Just waiting on the 26th. My lease is ready, my property is ready, just gotta to hunt now. Got 7 stands ready to go. Sent from my XT830C
pretty slow around here..... Season needs to hurry up and get here. Ended up heading up north over the weekend to see one of my good buddies and do a little salmon fishing. Little early for them to be in the harbors so didn't catch anything. Sold one boat a couple weeks ago and the other wont be ready for the water until spring so we weren't able to head out into the big water where we needed to be. Not that it really matter since it seemed like we did more drinking and bull crapping then actual fishing anyways. Had yesterday off also so ended up going out to the farm to check a couple cameras that I didn't check last time and to make sure plot was going good. Well... Forgot to put a SD card in the camera on the food plot, Another camera didn't take any pictures for some reason, two had very little pictures and one was dead. Only one camera actually was good but all it had was does and fawns. Crappy camera check but did some moving around and fixed the other ones. Also started a few mock scrapes. Shoulder is getting better still have a pain going down my for arm sometimes. Not sure if that's because of the break or something to do with the muscles. Go back to the doctor next Thursday hoping for good news and then shooting for heading to Ohio for the opener on the 26th.
Got some new totes for all my gear, when with heavier duty latching ones this year over my old cheapo ones. Gonna make the switch this weekend...wash all my clothes in Carbon Synergy activated carbon wash (not their detergent stuff) and hang dry before putting in totes. New totes will get washed as well and will make some activated carbon pellet bags (nylon socks used to hold) in the bins to fight odor even more so. Other than that trying to hold off checking any cams deep in cover or woods...may pull a couple trail and plot ones this weekend when visiting the plots for a check up and fertilizing perhaps. Been waiting on rain to hang a last minute stand at the riverbottom property where the two big boys we got running around are hanging....but may just have to do it.
Well, seen one of my 9 points yesterday in the corner of the yard. What luck....35 yards for 5 minutes....lol Sent from my XT830C
Hey guys. Did my last cam pull and work weekend on my properties in the NW part of the state this past weekend. I'm officially done on all properties now until season starts. Overall I've got a a few bucks I'd be happy to shoot. We did lose some of the bigger ones that have likely started moving core areas due to acorns and bedding/dominance, but I've got enough to hunt early and more will show up as season progresses. I'm scheduling 4 days right off the rip on our opener and will be bouncing around between locations based on winds, etc. 21 days and counting.............
Season has started here in Nebraska. I had to work opening week but got out to my place and hunting the last 4 days. It's nice to be in the stand again. I passed on a couple doe's with fawns and some smaller bucks. Acorns were dropping so its had to pattern them this time of year. Had one doe come in but never close enough to shoot. Still seeing bigger bucks on cameras so I know they are still around. Good Luck to everyone out hunting
And.......I'm officially jealous of you. Can't wait till I can hunt!! Good luck brother, how does tomorrow late afternoon work for you to text me a biggun is down? :D
Oh and our opener will be a Thursday this year....I'll be taking that day off and Friday for some sits as well as pretty much hunting all weekend excluding Sunday morning (church). If wind is right for a stand or two I have in mind, I should be able to down a doe early and focus solely on a buck till late season when I doe hunt again if needed.
Good stuff fellas! I pulled the card last weekend on my camera 99% does on it but a spike buck did show its face a couple times. The does are on a pretty regular pattern and I have a feeling I'll be able to down a doe fairly quickly this season just like last year. As for that spike, I do have to say that I'm still looking for my first bow buck so if he offers I'm NOT gonna pass on him. No shame in my game, my main goal is filling my 2 freezers. Haha
Way to get it done early Matt! I reset my stand today from what I like to call the back section to the front. End of last year, I committed to relocating for the first 3 weeks or so until the rut got closer. I think the area I am in now will see more deer activity. I'll do that for a few hunts then, relocate for the chase and rut. Saw good signs in both sections. Front side was a lot fewer coyote crap piles. Maybe that is a good thing. I feel good about the stand placement and shooting lanes. Also go the camera setup in the back and saw a doe. No sheds but....I rarely find them.
Congrats Matt, awesome job!! I'm about ready for season to open here. Got 6 stands up in the last couple of days, talked to all of the surrounding landowners about trailing any deer that crosses the fence, just need to figure out where and when all the deer movement is on our newest property. Landowner to the south not only told us that we could trail any wounded deer on him, but that we were welcome to hunt there also. Guess I'll be buying a few more stands!!!
Just got word the camera overlooking a dirt access road which only the idiot neighbor's use by the swamp property is gone. We just last pull got pictures of those idiots getting onto the landowners property constantly with four wheelers/walking and one night around 2am carrying crap of some kind onto his property....now the camera comes up missing. This property has so much potential but the neighbor's are of the worst kind, poaching past, trespassing onto the federal nature reserve and tons of criminal pasts if you look them up. It is about to come to blows though if they did in fact take the camera as the landowner claims...praying they just forgot where to look for it (has happened before)...but they described the exact location to a "T". Gut is knotted up and I pray to God they didn't because I won't ***** foot around with them like the landowner has in an attempt to keep the peace...I'll get the police involved even if gets no where, they need to know I ain't afraid to come at them like everyone else.
Congrats Matt way to kick things off. Some good new from everyone so far now we just need seasons to kick off for everyone. Went to check cam and food plot across the street from the house this weekend. Bad news on both, Camera was gone and plot wasn't coming up. Pretty sure the neighbor kids took the camera since I have gotten pictures of them before. Went and said something to the parents but of course the kid probably wont admit it when they ask. Have a dummy cam and another one set up to see if someone wants to try and end up with two of mine. Made the mistake of not doing a soil test on the plot so that's my fault. Put some oats in hopes of at least having something pop up. Doctors on Thursday for a follow up to see how things are healing. Heading down to Ohio for the weekend to help my buddy hang a few stands on a new place and trim up a couple more. Depending on doctor visit hoping to be back down there next weekend for the opener.
The DNR officer who is involved in the case surrounding the neighbor's being caught on camera entering and exiting the wildlife refuge multiple times has been notified of the missing camera potential. Left a message and sent an email to him. I am gonna cross every "t" and dot every "i" in this process. The case is still ongoing from last October when we caught the scumbags entering and exiting the refuge multiple times....may mean the property will be watched opening weekend and cause deer travels to lesson but if they nail em it will be worth it!
This is a pretty crappy situation for both you and the land owner. I hope it works out by getting the authority involved. I'm starting to also take the same stance in areas of my life. Sometimes you need to address the situation directly and correctly and not be concerned about keeping the peace. You guys are not the law breakers nor should you have to feel guilty about doing what's right. Can liken the example to drug dealers. Like a neighbor dealing drugs a couple doors down...not my problem what you are a drug dealer...not my problem when I call the cops to get you. My problem is not dealing with the situation and allowing it to happen. Just my opinion.
Yeah, the issue is this family is straight scary. Face to face honestly goes poorly according to what the landowner has stated. And with numerous family members having been in and out of jail multiple times (one for vehicular homocide and cocaine) they aren't the kind to respect a genuine desire for respect.... ....sad thing is this year for the first time in my life when hunting down along that edge of the farm I will be looking over my shoulders not for deer but them...and I'll have a gun on my hip at all times. No kidding...it sucks.