Congrats on a great bird Will!! And thanks for the guide service Zach. The weather really beat me up this weekend. Rainy and wet both days. I did find turkeys both days but couldn't get any to come in. I even put one to bed Friday night and got set up on him before light Saturday morning. Only to have him fly down and head the other way with his herim of hens. Even had 2 hens walk by me at under 20 yards to get to lover boy. I'll be back after em next weekend.
Congrats again Will! Season opens Saturday and I have a pretty good idea of exactly what the birds are doing on my property. I am not sure how everything is going to work out the first day. My grandfather has been in the hospital for the past several weeks and he is getting released today. If he has the energy I will be taking him with me to set-up on the birds that I have been watching. If that is the game plan then I will be packing my 870 Express instead of the bow. If he isn't going I will be set-up in my blind with bow in hand.
Yeah, it's terrible... and it's horrible that I know where they are... horrible for all the OTHER teams! :D
Do I have to carry this team alone or what? :d My beginners luck has worn off, now you guys need to get us some points on the board
Come on Will, my season hasn't even opened yet :d I will be out Saturday and if everything goes as planned I hope to contribute..... now that Dubbya fella... what gives? He shoots turkey with his bow like a fat kid eats cake but he hasn't put any points up yet :evil: :d
I got the job done guys, and didn't even have to make a call. 69.25 points for team #4 Here is a pic. And you can see the story and the rest of the pics here.
Awesome job John when you calling me for supper congrats on a very nice bird and some shrooms to boot
Dang boys, I've been getting spanked by the turkeys so far... I'm going to hit it hard for the next few days and we'll see what happens! I'm not gonna let us down. BM, Chris A, let's get it going!!! Great job to john and will
Well I got my butt handed to me this morning.... not by turkeys but by my ground blind. I had forget my stakes at home and after getting my blind set-up while I went to set up decoys the wind picked up and blew my blind about 50 yards away. I ran over and got it set back up and tried to use my extra decoy stakes and rocks to weigh it down and keep it from blowing over. That lasted about ten minutes before it blew over with me sitting in it. After that happened I moved to blind and tucked it right beside a gaswell to cut down on the wind. While doing this I managed to pinch the lower part of my big thumb in the hub and took a nice chunk of meat out. I ended up hearing two birds and seeing 6 others about 300 yards out. My fiance was set-up with my sisters boyfriend as he tagged out on Saturday and they saw one big strutter way off in the distance. My sisters boyfriends little brother was out with us and he missed a nice bird. It was a tough day but I am looking forward till tomorrow morning.
Since I'll only have this weekend to hunt on my second tag I'm taking the Remington thie time. Now I just have to find a bird that like the wet weather. It's supposed to rain most of the weekend.