I still have to wait till April 25th for our season to kick off. I am jealous of you guys that are gonna get out their early.
Well... that's the plan!!!! I'm thinking about going to Texas the weekend before that to see if I can't score a Texas Rio before the Oklahoma season opens up. JM, BM, do your season's start on the same date every year or a certain day? Ours is always April 6th, but in Texas its the first weekend of April unless the first is in the middle of the week. Then it's either the last weekend in March or the following.
Ours always falls either the last saturday of April or the first Saturday of May depending on how the days work out.
Not always the same date but usually the same Monday in April. About the second or third week. They try to keep the opening day crowds down by starting on Monday.
What's the word boys!?!?!?!? I'm see puffed up birds all OVER the place. There is one Tom that I see every morning and he is really really asking for a magnus bullhead :D
I don't know about you but I am ready to stick a pre-Easter bird. It's been too long since I last hunted something.
We're workin' on it! :d It looks like me and Dubbs are gonna hunt together on Saturday. How many Okies does it take to kill a turkey??? <--(They need a turkey smiley)
I'll be getting after those birds tomorrow morning. But I might have to set my dekes outside of the trailer door and sit in the doorway. We are suppose to be getting lots of rain in the morning. The weather has been so lousy here lately, I haven't been hearing a ton of gobbling. I think the birds are there, they just don't feel like sounding off in the 30* weather and rain. I have my blind set up and staked down, but if it's storming, I'm sitting in the trailer. I see em in the field out in front of it all the time. So it could just work.:d What kind of luck are the rest of you guys that are hunting having?
Back from 2 days of huntin with no bird yet. But they are in the neighborhood and I hope to get one figured out soon. Monday morning was slow. It was drizzling rain and only heard a few far off gobbles. Then aroung 9:30 I heard a couple gobbles down near my lower field. O grabbed my dekes and headed that way. I set up in a brushy ditch and could hear the gobbler, but he never made it my way. Then at 11:00 there were 4 birds cuttin loose near me. I headed back up the hill and got in my blind at a crossing point in my upper field. Two birds got pretty close but I never saw either one of them. That was Monday. No rain Tuesday morning and the gobblers were sounding off. The problem is, they were all on my neighbors property and headed away from me after they flew down. I did a little sneaking around from 9-10 and saw a couple of hens but no toms. Heard a few gobbles again around 11:00 but not very close. I'll get back at em this weekend!
You'll get it taken care of John, I have faith! When you get them in pretty close, answer their gobble and then just wait. Don't get frustrated... you can do it! You want me to send this bird up to your neck of the woods? It appears that he likes the "front door" setting! :D I see him every day on my way to work. Him and his honey's hang out there. If he slips up and gets to the other side of the road... he's in trouble!
Headed back up to my place tonight to hunt tomorrow and Sunday. As long as the weather cooperates. Supposed to start raining sometime tomorrow morning.(Sunny and 70* here today!)
yall just got dang lucky, thats is all I am going to say right now. Yall better be glad I have a little self control. J/K Congrats Will