Trail cam caught this dude the other day. I think he would do just fine this season. I saw a bunch of scratching and heard some gobble when they flew up to roost just before dark Saturday evening.
That is a nice thunder chicken John, either tomorrow or Tuesday I am gonna set up the Reconyx in an area that the turkeys seem to be hammering hard. Season is approaching quick and I can't wait.
Very nice John, I think he will do wonderfully this season! Please disregard my post in your arrowhead thread :d
I wish...I took advantage of that for the last time last spring. Those were the day man...I could get out there and smoke a bird before eveyone else.:d
I made it out to my property before sunrise Saturday and had 3 gobblers roosted on mine. One gobbled at every sound in the woods, must have cut loose 100 times before he flew down. He gobbled 4 0r 5 times on the ground and then shut up. Heard a few gobbles when they flew up to roost Saturday before sundown. Lots of scratching in the woods too. Haven't seen that for a while. They are back.
I got a couple different gobblers on my camera when I checked it today. They were about 15 yards from the stand where I arrow'd my buck this year. The woods are tore up with scratchings, I just don't think that they are roosting in these woods. I have an idea where they are roosting and if so, its gonna be very hard to get set-up on them as they are roosting on posted property. I have a bunch of other spots that hold birds though, so there are always other options for me. I will post a few photos tomorrow.
Will all you guys be out for the opener? Ours happens to be on a Monday in Oklahoma. I can't decide if I'm going to Texas for their opener or if I'm taking the kids on for the youth opener. I'll be out on April 6th (our first day)in the evening since I have to work. After that, I'll be in SW Oklahoma for first weekend, Texas for the second weekend and then who knows after that!
SW Oklahoma you say? If you have any spare time come on over to my place and double up . I won't be able to get out for the opener so I will be home the first weekend. I took this pic Saturday on my primary turkey hunting spot. All these guys were in the field when I pulled up to look for sheds. Some struttin' action :d
I am here just been real busy like a 1 legged turkey covering S^&^ I will be hunting 4th season in Greene county Illinois been seeing birds strutting in the fields every morning on my way to work since the weather change
Absolutely Will, I'll make time. That's pretty close to what our place looks like... I may have to bring the pops if that's alright with you :D Chris, glad to know you're still around! Have you killed birds with your bow before?
Of course pops is welcome, just as you are. I don't think we'll run out of birds :d. We just have to get em close.
Will, those pics are rediculas!!! What do you do herd em like cattle?? I've never seen that many birds in one place!!
Thanks buddy! John, honestly it can be difficult... sometimes it's hard to have 100 hens to contend with. However... I like the challenge