I'll probably turn mine down into the mid 60's and I'll shoot a full length Easton Axis 340. Hopefully I'll be able to test out a few different heads including the Magnus Bullheads that I didn't use last year, and some 2" Hypershocks that buckeye gave me. I've got some serious time to Texas planned in the second week of April, should be golden.
Hopefully I'll have my Iceman and Carnivore by then and set one of them up at 60-65# for the Turkey slayin. Prolly use my Axis FMJ and the Rage to get the job done. Altho my 3D arrows are lighter and might not pass thru as easy. That might be a better option. Just got my second IL tag in the mail today, 4th season-April 30th-May 6th. And then I have my landowner tag for the whole season that starts April 13th- May 14th. That should give me enough time to get er done!!
John, I am hunting the same dates you are in IL. What do you think about your chances during the IL season? You think the birds will still be responding to calling?
Hopefully some of the hens will be sitting on eggs or at least leave the boys early to lay their eggs. Late in the morning the gobblers may get lonesome and come to calling or decoys looking for some late season love. I know last year I had trouble competing with all of the hens around. Just about every bird I set up on had a bunch of hens with him right off the roost. I killed mine last year later in the morning after the hens left to attend to the egg laying.
Thanks for the tips John. It doesn't help the timing is horrible for a guy trying to hunt these things for the first time. I'm gonna give it the ole college try though!
College try? Lol... I tried multiple times to get you give that "stuff" the college try... you whussed out. How do you plan on turkey hunting during the springer farmer boy?
What's with all these groupies on our team thread All this chit-chat is cluttering up our winning vibe
Well at least we don't have to get our turkeys high on METH to be able to kill em!!! I guess they don't consider that stuff BAIT.
Hey why don't you go put your fingers on a cardio routine and let our skinny fingers feed our mouths stuff that's deep fried? :d :d
I could try too but I can't promise anything either..... on a side note, I went out shed hunting both yesterday and today (found my first of the year yesterday), and I ended up finding two dead turkeys on the edge of a clover field. I am not sure what got them, we have alot of fox and coyote running around as well as a few bobcats. I did end up finding a ton of sign and bumping into a huge flock in an area that I hunt. I am not sure how many exactly, but if I had to guess it would have been around 30-40 birds. They are hanging across the road from where I stuck my bird last year and I can hunt both properties. Things are looking good.
Cool, I'm headed to my place this weekend to shed hunt and turkey scout. Haven't seen much of the turkeys lately. Not sure where they are hanging out right now.
2 weekends ago I went for a brief shed hunt at the place I killed a tom last spring. When I pulled up in my truck there was a group of 50ish birds hiding in the shade on the edge of a wheat field