Hey all! IDW checking in as an alternate. So if luck holds out, I checked in as alt. on team 3 this year and connected with a real nice buck and we won the deer contest. Soooooo, here I am again as an alt. I'm out of southern wi and have a couple of nice parcels of land I hunt for thunder chickens. Haven't been out on the properties this year. But in the past most birds I shoot are roughly22-26# ave 10" beards and 1 1/8 spurs for the past 5 years.
I do have 2 seasons to hunt here. 1st is week of Apr.24th, the 2nd season I have is in week of May 16. The only bummer is living in psuedo Alaska with all this damn cold weather (hi in the 30s and teens at night) may put a damper on turk hunting. Unless it really warms up during my hunt and flips the switch. I'll go out glassing this week and see what prospects are there. gonna be good to get out in the woods again. gotta find all my turk stuff this week.
Welcome guys glad to have ya aboard. Now let's take over this tournament. Sent from my SM-G950U using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
My son connected on his first long beard opening day of youth. It was a awesome hunt had lots of fun! My season opens today hoping to get out this weekend. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Congrats on your sons bird, that’s always special. Headed out to scout today, peaks or valleys,? Sent from my iPad using Bowhunting.com Forums
Jaske, that is awesome! great you got your son out there and hunting. Memories are priceless! Contgrats!
Just got back raining now, no birds not a sound, need to redeploy Any advice? Sent from my iPad using Bowhunting.com Forums
I know in rain I hunt thick cover or pines where the birds can stay dry while looking for food. Sent from my SM-G950U using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Well we only got 10-13 inches of the 12- 16 inches of snow that was predicted. I'd really like the weather to straighten out so I can get after it. I have my daughter every other weekend and last weekend it was only 10 degrees out Saturday morning. She only tolerates going out with me for so long but with that temperature it sounded like a disaster in the making so we didn't go. Hopefully next weekend is better.
Holley smokes your pine idea worked even with snow today in Ky I went down about 200 deer into think cover, on the second call I got a gobble. Tangos located. They didn’t come out so I saved it for tomorrow. Good call EX. Sent from my iPad using Bowhunting.com Forums
Glad it worked out for you. I found out last year that during rain and snow they love pines or heavy dense woods they prefer to stay dry. Gotta stay dry and look good for the ladies lol. Good luck tomorrow man. Sent from my SM-G950U using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Hey fellas, I took a week off and hunted in Oklahoma and Kansas. Shot a jake in Kansas but hope to take a bigger bird so I’ll hold off entering this one until later. So...we have one to put on the board.
Well finished my scouting yesterday and got two setups located for opening day Sent from my SM-G950U using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Hey guys just an update. It sleeted and snowed here over the weekend. got about 4" on the ground but it has been melting quick. It should all be gone. Weather is gonna really warm up next week so that'll draw them out. My season starts next Wed. I get to hunt 3 days then have to go to work and then hunt 2 more days. I might have a buddy come with to call while we're in a blind. Good luck to everyone out there. Let's get some birds on the boards.