Haha, luckily I just have great surrounding areas and an open time frame for lunch which allows me to get a good hour of walking in
5 and 6 today. Old ones in a spot that I forgot to walk last year unfortunately. Not a match like I thought they would be but only about 20 yards apart.
Looks like you’re carrying the team sheddinva! Keep up the good work. I haven’t been able to get oit anymore this week for my lunch break, I’m studying for an exam directly after work. Hopefully next week I can make the lunch trip. It’s still a little early for me to find many yet, the first of March is usually the start of our shed season. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
yeah most haven't dropped around here. A buddy had about 15 bucks on cam and all had both sides still. I've just been hitting new spots looking for old ones mainly.
I'm planning to take a hike tomorrow during lunch. Trying to plan out where I want to go but it'll be a quick one regardless. Hoping to find my first public land shed tomorrow!
Nice, good luck! I'll be out as well. My friday lunches are usually able to last longer so fingers crossed!
Nicely done! I came up empty handed for sheds but did find a couple great spots that had a lot of this season rubs and older, as well as a good concentration of scrapes. It's a perfect spot for daylight activity because it's impossible for me to hunt unless I'm just sitting on the wide open ground. No trees to sit in either. Definitely marking it and will figure a way out how to hunt a transition or ridge leading to it.
I've heard of a monster in the area that has shed and I've been crossing off any wooded spots on a google earth screenshot. Hopefully I'll come across them at some point. Never been so focused in one little area before but I'm learning a little more about how the deer move through the town lol
thats how focused i was with this buck.. i acctually didnt find any sheds that year. I was in my late teens and this buck was in a forest preserve, and as you can see in the one pic was so friendly people hand feed him. 100% wild deer. Everyone was looking for those sheds that year. I never saw him for that last part of december or ever again i have a bad feeling someone poached him Sent from my SM-N920P using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
What makes it so difficult for my area is that a buck can literally bed anywhere and eat on anything. I wish I understood more on what specifically bucks look for in bedding and eating areas. A lot of our deer can eat, sleep and drink in a 50 yard radius. Depending on the year it can make for some hard hunting Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Number 10 and a dead buck that had already shed. Searched everywhere but think they may be across the road somewhere.
#11 is the first fresh one in VA so far. Same exact path I walked yesterday where I found the dead buck but somehow missed it or it dropped last night. Didn't get to check and see if it matched the dead one but it looks too small.
Very nice Sheddinva! I took a hike today for lunch but had no luck. I'll be back out this weekend. Studying for an exam tomorrow morning.
Today's lunch break was my best ever I believe. Found 7 on one ridgetop. 5 old and 1 fresh set. Also jumped a buck with both sides so I'll be back.
I would say that was a "Golden Hour" you spent on that ridge. Gosh I dream of luck like that. My deer have not dropped yet. I am enjoying following this shed hunting contest. Hope you find the sheds off the buck you jumped.
Congrats man that’s awesome. I bet you have found you a winter bedding spot. I was planning to take a hike for lunch today but I forgot I had an eye appointment so wasn’t able to go. The wife’s car had a flat tire this morning so I’ve got to check that out tomorrow. Hopefully I can get out this weekend for a little walk Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Sheddinva, what part of Virginia are you from? Apparently I need some pointers for where to look for sheds haha. I live in NC so not far from you Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk