Trail Camera bracket I just made another trail camera bracket and put my camera on it and thought I would show it to you. I made it so I could put it up in a tree and adjust it so I can take pictures downward.
very cool. do you attach it with a ratcheting strap or bolt it to the tree? So what's the story with the other "alternates" on this team? have they checked in yet. Bob when does your season start? I don't know if I'll be out this week. School work is killing me.
School work is more important believe me. With education you'll be able to afford better deer hunting in the future! I just use a ratchet strap actually two. One for the stabilizing rod half way up the other at the top. I got to tell you at almost 60 years old it was a chore today setting the stand up and the camera and I did it all alone. I've got the camera about 25 yards away about 10 feet up a tree facing the stand. I have the stand at a break at a stone wall with a deer run going out to a field about 50 yards away. I'm trying a homemade deer lure made out of imitation vanilla, molasses, salt, honey, and apple oil. I sprayed it on some of the rocks on the stone wall. My season opens October 15th. Can't wait! All but three have checked in.
Let me know if you want a couple replaced. I'd like to get all teams finalized in the next couple days. It's a pain to change things around in the Excel workbook now that scores have started coming in. Here's the thread for replacement requests.**No-Show-Replacement-Request**
We have two no shows. I know Fitz PMed them and I PMed them still no show. What do you guy's want to do?
It's OK you're late. What about deer and when does your season start? LOL Sent from my LG-P925 using Tapatalk 2
My season opened Sept. 15th, but I have yet to get out due to work and some other things. As far as deer go; we just signed a lease on a new property on Sept 22nd being where we've been the last two years was a no go this year due one of the owner's family members taking up bowhunting. We put cams out today to try to get an idea of what's on the new place, but I think it will show it's potential when the rut hits.....I HOPE.
OK is everyone OK with the team name "The Replacements"? Also we need a captain, any volunteers? If nobody is interested I'll do it.
Yeah, i wouldn't mind bein cap if you don't care, but not a biggie to me. as for the name you've got my vote. now for the avatar design. as for the alternates on the "replacements" unfortunately time to get some.
still not getting out this week, I'm slammed. but that's okay cuz it'll make them bucks feel real secure under my stand.
Thanks Brad. We have two no shows. I can't remember who it is. I'm at work right now. Sent from my LG-P925 using Tapatalk 2
OK, I put in for two replacements and let them know we are keeping the name "The Replacements" In Da Woods if you want to be Capytan that fine with me but everyone needs to agree.
Cool! Welcome aboard. Tell us about yourself. Where you from? When does your season start? Got any nice ones to tell us about? :0) Sent from my LG-P925 using Tapatalk 2