With all our deer scored it looks like we are around the middle. Not bad. I still have about a month left in the season to get my doe.
I just checked the scoreboard and we are in 10th place. Not to shabby. Great job everyone Gun season started the 28th in Kansas, so maybe I can get a late season bow kill in Dec. (Doe) Kids and work and well the ole lady are keeping me busy right now...
Tenth place is great and congrats to our team. I found a pic of some of my past bucks I thought I would share with all.
Damn boyz, it was close tonight. I shot at a doe tonight and thought for sure that I hit it, but must've just shot under it, found the arrow no blood; clean miss. damn it all anyway, first draw on a deer for the year and missed. Hopin Sat I'll be out. perfect weather, calm & 40. but they are really spooked easy and comin out just at dusk. I'm trying boyz. Great to hear that the points are coming together. Congrats again to Jim on the buck. It's getting tough up here with black powder this week and 4 day gun/doe hunt next week. But I'll be honest, I'll be gun huntin next week for a doe for the freezer, but I do have till Jan 8th to bowhunt. Good luck to everyone still hunting.
I'll be honest I was stunned when I found the arrow clean. I thought for sure I whacked that damn thing. what a bummer! I keep getting so close, but no cigars. Either they're bustin me or i can't shoot. Now I got a shot and blew it. I haven't seen any bucks at all. I'm thinkin they're laying low with the gun season still going.
Still say you would of gotten her if you were shooting something other then that 20 year old Bowtech! :D Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk 2
Hey, great job getting full draw on the doe. Misses are part of it and clean arrow is a blessing. The first miss this year will make you a better shot next time. I guarantee it! Keep at it, then have fun with gun.
My boys wrestle tday. So ill be tied up there. Then sam (my 17 yr old) are hitting the woods Jake my 15 yr old is going to slay some. Geese Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
Sam is at 120 jake 145. Sam will make a run at a state championship Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
Enjoy every minute it goes fast. My boy played baseball all the way from LL to high school. I was fortunate to coach some.
Well, went out tonight; sat out in the wind & rain, no deer. Try again on Mon & Wed, then gun starts Thur. Then it'll really be hard to whack one after they've been pushed around w/firearms for 3 weeks. Good luck Bob, hope you whack one.