Good for you Bob getting out. I usually bow hunt Thanksgiving day but was sore helping out land owner with some chores around his properties. We got a lot done and hung 1 stand for him for gun season.
Jim that's cool, helping out the land owner. How is your foot doing? Did you find your buck in the score card? I could only find your doe. I'm going to try to get out this afternoon but I have a lot to do so I might not. Definitely going Saturday!
Jim I don't want to be a pain but I can't find your buck on the score card. Your doe is there on page 14 but I can not find your buck.
Hey all, hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! I've been up north gun hunting here in Wisconsin. My son shot his first buck after 5 yrs. A nice 7 ptr. Shot it by himself on opening day at 3:30 in the afternoon. What a smile on his face when i showed up to see what he shot w/his new rifle. One very excited teenager. As for me, deer-34, Hank-0. One more day for the gun hunt, and then back to the bow. It'll be much harder now after the gun season. the deer spook at the slightest sound. Congrats TeeJay on the buck! Strange thing though on my private land. Where I had seen a bunch of deer 2 weeks ago, not a thing in 4 days of hunting or on my trail cam. Where have they gone?! the farmer did till the cornfield around the property, and I haven't been there disturbing the area. What gives? Bob hope for all the work your putting out that you whack something.
Jim, you still need a score break down. You can edit your post on the scoreboard. L R MB- G1 G2 G3 G4 H1 H2 H3 H4 Inside spread
Well boys it came close tonight, but boy are they jittery. Yesterday was the close of gun season, and I stayed off the private land I hunt. So as I close the farm gate, that squeaks when you close it, I step out into the adjoing field to go to my spot & there go 4 does bounding off in the next field. So I had 4-6 does come in at 5 right behind me on the neighbors property, through the thickest stuff I've ever seen. How the heck they even walked thru it amazed me. So instead of them coming in off my left by the crick bottom, they come in under the fence to my right. One get about 20 yds at my 3 oclock positon & sees me draw, but just kind jogs away. In comes another doe same spot as the one before. This time I'm at full draw & not moving. She freezes with her left rear leg in the air, next thing I know she snorts and they all out of there. Damn, so close. just a few more steps. I'll be out tomorrow afternoon earlier. Thanks for congrats on my kids buck. Very exciting weekend with him shootin that. I see that we're in last place. bummer. but there still is 5 weeks left.
Jim you posted in the write spot but I think you need to list your measurements like the guy just before your post did. We are only in last place because three of us haven't had our scores accepted yet!
Jimmy Galvin Team 38 the replacements November 15, 2012 7:15am Ohio 9 pointer Left Mb 17 7/8 G1 2 4/8 G2 7 2/8 G3 4 7/8 H1 4 2/8 H2 3 2/8 H3 2 3/8 E1 1 2/8 Right Mb 16 7/8 G1 3 G2 7 3/8 G3 2 7/8 H1 4 2/8 H2 3 4/8 H3 2 Inside spread 17.5 inches