I fired off a PM to the team members we haven't heard from yet, just a reminder. I think there are only four we haven't heard from. They have until Sunday night.
Check in My name is Elliott I'm from north central Ohio. I'm 17 and can't wait for this fall!! Here are some target bucks for this year! PSE Bows... Because Speed, Accuracy, and Penetration doesn't get old
Hey guys, I closed the other thread since this one had more replies. Let me know who you choose for a captain and what you decide for a team name
Thanks guys! Good luck to all! I'm stoked! PSE Bows... Because Speed, Accuracy, and Penetration doesn't get old
Wow, you guys are throwing out some awesome target bucks, not looking like underdogs. Back when Fitz had first mentioned creating another team with the leftover alternates I thought "The Misfits" would be a cool team name. Good luck this season
I don't like not being on the first page so............ I can't explain how crazy excited I am this year. Last year I made a mistake by not shooting the first doe I saw but I won't this year! 24 more days.
Who's hunting this week end? I know we have at least one team member out this week end so best of luck and be safe!
ok so here is our official team thread, cool! good to be on a team. After being a member for so long it would've sucked missing this yr's contest. Well my freshly planted brassicas last week have popped up so hopefully in Oct. it'll bring to me. going out next week sometime, but if work calls for OT, the deer will have to wait. gonna finish up last min details, washing clothes, filling back pack etc. good luck to any1 that goes out this weekend. Let's get on the board boyz!
Well I have one more camera to get out and a stand to put up. Im working right now so it will have to be this afternoon or tomorrow. Sent from my LG-P925 using Tapatalk 2
Checking in! My name is Bill. I hunt northern Missouri. Season started here Sept 15 just does and young bucks so far. Have pics of two shooters nothing huge yet. Looking forward to the contest!
Hey Brad you did an awesome job on our avatar last year do you think you have time to do another one?