Hunting and camping!!!! That's awesome! I'm sure you'll have a great time. I'll be going out for a few hours in the morning. Sent from my LG-P925 using Tapatalk 2
Squirrels, robins, chipmunks, bluejays, and something weird hanging from a tree off in the distance and about 15 feet up. Looks like its hanging in mid air. Ill have to check it out later. Sent from my LG-P925 using Tapatalk 2
The thing I saw in mid air was an electrical insulator hanging from a wire up in a tree. I couldn't see the wire until I was up close. Now I'm very excited! On my way home I decided to check a different spot outand this is what I found! This spot is on the back side of a swamp it looks awesome! I have my tree all picked out too! Probably get a camera in there Friday. Sent from my LG-P925 using Tapatalk 2
I got in blind early even though its warm and have miss November out. She does a great job in distracting while I shoot.
Yeah, that looks like some nice sign Bob! Anyone seeing anything? I've seen a few over the last week nothing within shooting distance. Getting out tonight and for the last day of season on Sunday, of course the weather Sunday is supposed to be crappy, oh well. Good luck boys!
I shot a antler less deer last night at 6pm, left over night because I needed help. My buddy Justin came with me this morning and we found button buck 35 yards from tree. How do I send pics to official scorer?
Awesome Jim! congrats, that's another 50 pts on the board! I'm headin out Fri afternoon, weather looks good, lower temps and sunny!
Congrats on the kills guys. Sorry been super swamped with work. Im going to shut down next Wednesday for the year. So i have the hunting camp trailer ready and ill be headed for the big woods. Ill check in before i check out. Later gang and shoot straight.
Thank you guys. A buddy of mine had bucks all over him for two days now dogging this one doe. He said 1 of the bucks was at least a 150 class and smallest is in picture below.
We have a small window of mid 50's weather till about 12:00, then temps dropping fast and cold wet rain for the week. Good cruising weather for bucks. I am heading to Austinburg property where there are so many deer. 80 acres of s three year select cut and beautiful under growth. Trails, rubs and scrapes everywhere.
Thanks Bob, I called in a buck this morning but not legal time. I had 5 nice gobblers walk past and a ton of song birds. I checked out point of woods where I have my hang on, I have three nice scrapes plus 4 trails come together. I should be able to get a nice buck out it. I left about 11:45 am and as soon as I got in crv it started raining.
Cool Jim! It makes it easier to sit when you have that kinda sign! TeeJay, do I read that right? Are you off for the rest of the year? If so that is truly awesome!!! I have to concentrate on my daughters roof this week end so no hunting for me! Sent from my LG-P925 using Tapatalk 2
Well, Jimmy should have filled his Ohio buck tag last night. I put Miss November out with some estrous sprayed on bark of surrounding trees. I set up crusher blind at the far point of finger of woods with a strong north wind. I watched weather channel app on my I phone and saw I could get in there about 1 PM. I was set up by 1:15PM and settled in for the evening hunt. I heard deer coming out of clear cut about 4PM. The snapping of brush came right behind my blind about 10 feet. Talk about nerve racking and to top that I couldn't bring myself to peek through rear port holes. I was surprised they didn't pick up on me but once again I tribute that to primos earth scent descenting spray. That stuff has never failed me yet. I saw out the west side of blind two does about 15 yards and just staring at blind. I reached for my Hoyt in case a buck was trailing them, but nothing and they saw me move since I forgot my black top and face mask. I relaxed a bit and in 20 minutes later I happened to look at my hole I picked as one of my clear lanes, there stands a giant buck staring at miss November. I slowly got the camera on him and readied my crx32. I slowly need to shift my rear to get a good pull and he heard me squeak a bit. He stared and saw my Hoyt hat and jumped into old field edge. His rack was approximately 18 inches high with no brow tines. He was out to ears and I guessed his age to be 3 years old. I grunted and snort wheezed at him and started to come back into the same 30 yardage market he was originally started at. He went back into brush and tried to get down wind of miss November and smelled doe in heat. He stayed there for 30 minutes and then ran to under my hang on stand.he kept snort wheezing and stomping at mr so I returned the favor. All went quiet than at dark I closed my windows and turned on head lamp and got out of blind to retrieve deek and put it in blind. I heard a blow not 30 yards away and I turned my head lamp and there he is rubbing a tree. I was a bit nervous but I waddled toward him and he bolted. I transferred sd card on puter but for some reason my laptop is not reading card. I will have to call canon on transfer link to see what I need to do. I am up early now to write this encounter and ready to head back for morning hunt. I left blind tied to surrounding trees and brush with it staked down. Winds are still high with rain for the next 4 days. Wish me luck for round 2.
well boys the weather was absolutely perfect, winds calm, sunny high in 40's dippin down to upper 20s, and I got settled in a stand on the northeast side of the property up from a creek bottom. so there I sat till dark and not a damn thing came by or was heard walking in the woods. Someone forgot to tell the deer that there supposed to walk in front of me when I'm hunting. Dang! Oh well, I'll be hittin it hard Tues-Sat for night hunts before I go up for my 5 day hunt. maybe I'll see something going each day. Jim good luck on that buck hope you whack, bob get that roof fixed and get out there! TeeJay good luck on your outing. There's something to say bout that getting the camper ready for a hunt. Good luck to all!