I havent had a chance to go out at all this week, going to hit the blind tomorrow morning though. I will more then likely shoot a doe if i see 1. Running low on meat.
Well. 2 small does and either a small 4 point or spike has game by. Nothing worth a meat tag. Yea I was lucky enough to get property in md. To hunt on this year. Otherwise I would be waiting until the 29th of this month to go out.
Just giving an update on my hunting season thus far. Out of 4 hunts 1 mature buck sighting 2 does 3 fawns 1 sit w/o seeing any deer Not ready to start slaying nannies yet. Congrats to others who have scored this year. Keep at it fellas.
I head out in the morning for my "weekend" hunt. I'll be out Tuesday and Wednesday. Let's hope the bigger buck (120-130s) on the property walks by me.
Got out yesterday, but drove home last night as it was calling for major storms where I hunt. Saw 3 does and a little 6 pointer. Maybe next week...
Went out last night on some public land and was covered up in deer for a couple hours. I had 10 deer within 20yrds of me, so i had to put another one down. One small 6 point, spike and the rest were does and fawns. I did see one shooter buck be he never came out of the thicket. We need more points people....get in the woods.
Awesome! Im going out Monday,don't know if im filming or hunting. Let's get some points team 37! Good luck everyone & safe hunting! Sent from my DROID3 using Tapatalk 2
I'm hoping inventory is done by Friday evening. So I can go out Saturday morning. For Wv opening day.
Jfergus7 & I got the ground blind out today. I will most likely be filming Monday not hunting. Sent from my DROID3 using Tapatalk 2
Same here in Illinois, 2days. Turns out I will be hunting Monday & jfergus7 will be filming(thanks honey) Good luck everyone! Go Team Tag Out! Sent from my DROID3 using Tapatalk 2