It was to represent a punched tag...:P (that was the date i shot my buck last year so thats why its the tenth of nov) Thanks should be able to right click and save those images and add them to yours!
Hi guys! Sorry I havnt been replying,been pretty sick! U guys did a great job with the team name & avatar! I saw we have a few nominations for team captain. I would love be captain but it's my 1st year so if u want someone with more experience, I understand. Let's get all this figured out A.S.A.P. Im reading this on my phone so I can't tell if everyone is checked in,deadline is Saturday or they will be replaced. Sent from my DROID3 using Tapatalk 2
My boyfriend jfergus7 & I drew tags for Volo Bog for Oct & Nov, can't wait! Sent from my DROID3 using Tapatalk 2
We have everyone but 1 person checked in. Hopefully we pick up a active alternative. Tomorrows opening day for me we shall see
Good luck tomorrow!! Tomorrow is my opening day in Georgia too but I can't get up there till the 14th
Ive updated the signature to exclude team member names!...As we are possibly replaceing an inactive member and they are too small to really read nehow by the time they are put into the signature spot!
Well. It's my first evening in the stand. Seen a nice lil 6 point in velvet hit the pond im hunting next to for a drink.
Update - My season has been open for a week now. I did a sit lastnight on public land for the first time, i just picked what looked to be a good spot on the map and climbed a good tree with my new summit. Low and behold i had 4 does walk under my tree. I did the same tonight, found another spot on the map and walked in and found a tree. Just before dark i had a big doe come in a 10 yards and a small 6pt at 20 yards. Not bad for my first public land hunt and just picking a spot out from the map. I'll be out tomorrow night as well in a different spot. Hopefully i can find a shooter soon.
Well, my first day bow hunting in MD ended not like i wanted it too... About 6:15pm i heard the sweet sound of deer moving through the soy beans out in front of me. After 2 minutes of hearing them and not seeing anything The big 8 point i have been seeing strolls right out in front of me at 28 yds. It was with a doe and another smaller buck, i think the same 6 point i seen at the pond a lil earlier this evening. All of a sudden the doe starts snorting like crazy, at least 15 times, but the big 8 point just steadily eats away at the beans paying no attention to the doe. Finally he walk out enough to give me a clean shot. I take aim and let it fly... which was followed by the sweet sound of a arrow hitting the chest cavity, and from what i say it looked like a decent lung shot. He runs off out of site. So i give him an hour and go look for my arrow. which i couldnt find in the thick soybeans ( no surprise ). I find the blood trail which leads into the woods, i follow it and after about 75 - 85 yds and lots of blood. The buck jumps up 10yds from me and starts off through the woods. i watched him crash and face plant into the ground before i lost sight of him in the thick overgrown woods. At this point it was close to 8 pm and getting dark fast so i backed off. I am going back in tomorrow after goose hunting and my daughters football game she cheers for. I wont sleep at all tonight. This will be my largest buck if i find him. Wish me luck tomorrow.
Dogfish, Congratz on the good hunt. Is it cold where your at? Aren't you worried about the meat spoiling if you wait until goose hunting and daughters game? I think you have a dead deer eitherway, so best of luck with the recovery.
Its actually the eye of the skull but it doesnt look as cool when it has to be so small Ill get the 37 more visible soon!