Just shot a nice 8 point. Going to sit for a hour or so. Was a pass threw. Can see my blood covered arrow
Well, Here he is guys. He came out about 9:10am into a cut soy bean field, 130 yards out.. chasing a few young doe's around. They didn't want any part of him.. he eventually pushed them into the woods which he followed right behind them. I figured i wouldn't see him the rest of the day. About 10 minutes later the same doe's came out of a small tree line in the same field about 100 yds away, and sure enough he was right behind them. he messed around with them for about a minute. Then decided to come directly to my tree stand. which i put up yesterday morning. which resulted in me getting poison ivy . He came right to me i stopped him broadside at 27 yds and dropped the hammer on him. He ran about 80-90yds and piled up in the same treeline he cam out of. I haven't had time to score him yet. i will do it tomorrow A.M. His left main beam is broke off at the g2 which is going to hurt him.
On my way out to the new spot on other side of property. Im excited cause all the deer taken were on this side!
I have been out all weekend with no success. Last night saw 5 different bucks and 4 does. Had 2 small bucks at 5 yards. A 130 8 pt was coming right to me with a doe (doe came in to 30 yards) buck decided to go fight with a 140 10 pt and then they both ran the opposite way. 2nd time in the last week that I have had shooter bucks coming in only to go elsewhere to chase off another buck. Both times the does that they were with were within 30 yards. First time they were at 20 and he was coming in fast but decided to leave them and go fight. Frustrated but been fun watching all the rutting activity going on.
I almost shot a nice 130-140" 11 pointer last night. Had him at 40, which is in range for me, but he kept looking at me and I knew if I tried something bad would happen. Had a doe do that earlier this year and luckily missed. Will be at it HARD this weekend.
Rifle season starts tomorrow which might be good in a way, since there aren't any rifle hunters in this "almost" section the deer might load into the timber and cover where I hunt. We're starting to see bucks chasin again. Tomorrows high is 76 and Sundays is 36. There's a rainy snowy front coming in on sat night.
How's everyone making out? I went out saturday morning till 10am. Seen a lot of doe movement with only 1 little small 6 point. the rut has seemed to die down a little bit in my area
The rut is going crazy here in south east Iowa. I saw 3 different bucks and 7 or 8 does. One of the bucks was a nice 8 point. Probably about 130. Wanted him bad but wouldnt come in to me. Was very cold this evening. Cant hunt till next weekend because for some reason I have to work. Oh ya... Got to support the wife and daughter! lol. I WANT TO KILL A BUCK ALREADY. I have passed bucks this year that would be my biggest ever but for some reason I just cant shoot them since I have seen bigger.