I saw 4 does and 4 bucks this mornin, 1 tiny buck was chasin a does and the other small bucks were fighting. We saw 36 deer last night but no bucks bigger then 1 1/2. Going to be out tomorrow also.
Was out this am saw nothing. Took a break & watched DA BEARS WIN now im back out. Sent from my DROID3 using Tapatalk 2
The bears must have been playing a peewee team. I'm in the Stan too. Saw a little 6 point and a doe so far. Happen to catch some last minute eaters tonight
Haha yes they were & it was an ugly win but I ll take it. Good luck! Sent from my DROID3 using Tapatalk 2
Buck down Hello Team Tagout! Well i got a buck on the ground, 3rd deer harvested this year. It's an 8 point that weighed 178lbs dressed out. He was the only deer that i saw during yesterday mornings sit and he came in at 9am behind me. I stopped him at 6 yards in an opening and let it rip. I waited 30 minutes (i usually wait an hour) and got down to check out mt arrow and there was blood everywhere. I started tracking him, or should i say walking down the river of blood. To my worst fears i jumped him up 50yrds from where i shot him. He made a circle around me and head toward the field which is about 300 yrds from where i was. He looked hurt real bad, tail tucked, limping and taking baby steps. I waiting a little while longer before moving on and when i did he was still POURING blood out. 40 minutes lates i creeped up to the field edge and still haven't found him. I starting following the drips of blood now through the tall grass knowing is bedded somewhere near by. Well, needless to say i bump him up again and he takes off into the woods, tail still tucked. I decided to pull out and wait 2 hours and call for back up. Back up came and 3 hours later we tracked him with the faintest bits of blood to follow to another field edge. No more blood! We looked around for an hour to find more blood and couldn't figure out what he did. We decided to just walk down the field edge and see if he dead somewhere. I happen to look down and see a speck of blood on the dirt, we were going to right way. We decided to stop and talk a second when my friend yells there he is, as he gets up from laying inside a briar thicket on the edge of the field and ran into the woods again Well we got blood again (very little) and tracked him about 80 yards where he just piled up dead. FINALLY! So that buck had one heck of a will to live because he bled more than any deer i have ever shot and lived for 7 hours after the shot. It was one heck of day and i hit him low given the angle and hit one lung and sliced the side of his heart. His antlers weren't as big as i had thought but a good deer in my book and one i wont forget. I added the pictures and score to the scorecard to have a look! Hopefully we can catch up in the standings, so get mobile and find them deer! We are bracing for Hurricane Sandy over hear so wish us luck.
Awesome deer sir! Glad you found it, I'll be up in Georgia in two weeks for rut so hopefully i get one then! As for Hurricane Sandy, that is like a little rainstorm to us Floridians here! haha
Grats on the buck. I had another buck come in right at last night. He came into about 40 yds broadside. But the rain and wind was picking up and it wasn't worth taking the risk. He was only about 115-120" 8 point.
Had a small buck come in at last light yesterday. He was out of range for me & there was no time to wait for him to come closer. Hopefully next time. Will be out with jfergus7 tomorrow Sent from my DROID3 using Tapatalk 2
Awesome & u now put us ahead of team 13 which is my bf jfergus7 team :-) Sent from my DROID3 using Tapatalk 2
Saw 10 deer today. 9 on private property, and 1 on a piece of public ground I tried out today. Of the 10, 6 offered shots. 3 does, 3 bucks. The three does were yearlings, and the three bucks just weren't big enough yet. Two of them followed my drag line, but their necks weren't swollen and they were one right behind the other (which I found odd). Biggest one was maybe 100", and while decent, I'm hoping for more. I think the public piece could turn out something nice. Today was my first day there, I walked in a ways, and plopped a stand. On my way out I caught some reflector dots. Might see where those lead one day..... Seeing that I hunt during the week and most hunt on the weekend. I'll assume those dots are weekend dots... lol
Went out for a bit today & saw nothing. There are signs of deer & we've seen a few but I think it be better when he cuts down corn. Putting up a stand on other side of property where there's alot of signs & a few been taken there recently. Will be out this wkend! Wish me luck im running out of patience lol Sent from my DROID3 using Tapatalk 2
Had some good rutting activity this week. Thought I was gonna get a crack at a 150 class 10 point but he didnt follow the does to me and instead ran off a smaller buck. Just my luck! Should be out all weekend.