With Fender check-in we're moving steps closer to our full roster checked in: Team 35- Saskassasin kfin1953 dbl lung Vectrix27 m3shadle nattripeltt ( I believe this should be nattriplett...) Trevor Olson Tynimiller OutbackRyno Otto Dillie Fender Ruttnutt
(Fender) Checking-in with team #35 It look's like we have a great team so far! I will do my best to do my part. I will be Bowhunting in Southern and Central IL. this yr. and I'm pumped up! Let's get sights locked in.... If any one needs to Contact me feel free to do so. Thanks, Fender
I am Happy with the name. I am fairly new on this board so I will go with whoever you guys vote for captain.
Glad to have ya! Have fun with the competition, don't let it affect what you hunt just let it possibly get out there a day you're tired or simply as a way to share your entire hunting experience with a bunch of other like minded hunters! Another IL hunter...man we truly have great "areas" in the whitetail world represented on this team!
Hey guys couple things: Once we get everyone checked in and such do you guys prefer I start a new Team 35 DND Thread for us? Also noticed something interesting when looking at the 2011 stats of the winners. I figured the winning team had to have put down a lot of bucks or some brutes (which some did) but I was amazed to see only 6 guys took bucks (outside the fergie clause of any buck under 50 inches gets 50 points). Here's their breakdown: Team 27 - Total - 1097 1/8" Monster Raxx - 50 rizzo999- 50 iHunt - 151 3/8 evilstuff - 50 wibowhuntr - 50 rknierim- 50 iHunt - 50 racewayking - 50 MNPurple - 116 3/8" rknierim - 67 1/8" Hide-A-Bow - 50 Hide-A-Bow - 145 2/8" peakrut - 116 7/8" rizzo999- 100 1/8" Now I don't know about you guys but seems like if we all just minimum give a doe a dirt nap and just half of us get lucky with some antlers (I sense we will do better than this though!) we should be right in the hunt! My hard hunting is going to turn on in a bout week 2 of October, the first week or so I'm going to hit up a small parcel I have just with doe hunting in mind early...but I'll be honest my two main properties I'll be going full buck hunting till after gun season than I'll lay some does down to sleep.
Welcome to the team Fender. Proud to have you. To all you who are new, don't feel intimidated at all. Feel free to jump in here and tell us whats going on. I will probably be updating after most hunts to keep you all informed. I encourage you all to do the same. I wouldn't worry about a new thread Tyni, This one will be fine even though it says Check in. I will second you on this. Don't let the contest make you hold out for a monster or change the way you hunt. Put down what you can. I will be out almost every weekend. I also have a weeks vacation starting on Nov 2 running till Nov 12. You can take it to the bank that I will be on the scorecard thread on that week.
And you are are correct, We have a very good shot. All we really need is some does and a couple bruisers.
I was really surprised looking at last years results as well. For as much talk as that team does i figured almost everyone downed a hog, which is simply not the case. Its anyones game.
Well sent out emails to the guys who had the option on their profile that haven't checked in yet...only ruttnutt didn't have that option. Sent him another pm...hopefully we'll get everyone checked in and motivated here asap!
Ruttnutt checking in guys. Doing some hunting in northern California and western kentucky this year. Lets put some bruiser's down this season!
ruttnutt! Great to have ya checked in, not hunting in MD like your location says? Great to have ya aboard! Well updated list (bolds are checked in) Team 35-DND Saskassasin kfin1953 dbl lung Vectrix27 m3shadle nattripeltt ( I believe this should be nattriplett...) Trevor Olson Tynimiller OutbackRyno Otto Dillie Fender Ruttnutt
Nope no MD for me this season my wife is in the coast guard and was stationed in northern California... I'm gonna do some hunting here and me and my dad(sliverflicker on here) are going to western ky for 10 days the November 1st. We got some great property's to hunt there and I can't wait to be sitting in the stand with the ol man!
That is what it is all about! Something indescribable about sharing the woods with a father, my favorite part of my hunting! That buck you took last year looked like a brute...here's to hoping you give another one a dirt nap this year!
I agree there aren't many things that compare to hunting with Dad, but I am pretty sure hunting with the son will come pretty close when he gets big enough. Welcome to the next BH.COM champion team ruttnutt.
just checking in This is Dbl Lung checking in from Western WI. I have some great bucks on the cameras this year. I have been very successful over the last 12 years and I would think this year would be no exception. But like anything else one can never forecast what the future holds. So I am not going to go out on a limb and say I am going to shoot any particular buck but I have pictures of at least 2 real monsters. (Wildviewweb.com has them under the pictures tab. One was posted in July and the other August. They are under the Dbl Lung screen name.) Otherwise G/L and hunt safe.
Hey Dbl Lung, I extend the same welcome to you that I did to Ruttnutt. Welcome to the next bh.com champion team. Glad you are here. Can't wait to see some of those WI monsters. I feel that we have a pretty solid team.
dbl lung I was beginning to worry! I knew you came with mucho experience! Great to have ya on board and like Ryno said we have most definitely a solid team! Well here we go, this is where we stand now: (bolds are checked in and GTG!) Team 35-DND Saskassasin kfin1953 dbl lung Vectrix27 m3shadle nattripeltt ( I believe this should be nattriplett...) Trevor Olson Tynimiller OutbackRyno Otto Dillie Fender Ruttnutt
nice buck no he is dead i have not got him on trail cam this year but the little 8 that i put up the other day was a small 6 last year and i have had a few chance to get him but it didnt work out.. but im assuming that he is his off spring. cuz thats the bigest buck that was out there