Welcome to November gents. I don't know about you guys, but I dream about this month all year long. Still got one buck tag to fill, and plenty of big huge public archery only bucks to fill it on. I hoping to find that brute that's eluded all the half way hunters that wonder out the first few weeks of archery, then migrate to other places as modern gun opens up.
I'm in a serious dillema as to when I'm gonna take my vacation time...keep thinking the 9th and then the 12th-15th...but now thinking this next week may be better as the bucks are seeking harder but does don't seem quite ready to explode=frustrated boys
While the scrape line dumping into the food plot probably saw more action last night in drizzle and this morning...I'm going guys this afternoon felllas...hope he comes by! *I'll be honest never chased a single deer this much or hard...or been able to hunt November for bucks since over 4 years ago (always tag out early for some reason). So here's to hope it happens tonight!
Been slow so far with the bad weather, but today should be better. saw one doe this morn, but two other guys both saw shooters. If this wind stays down, tonight should be good. Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
First time I've seen this guy ever. couldn't get over his mass. Had to pull the trigger Sent from my SCH-R760 using Tapatalk 2
AAAAh love the palmation on that beast!!!! Big circumferences, and his bases are thick! Congrats M3 heck of buck there bud!
Big congrats M3. You are gettin it done man. I like that massive rack. I woulda pulled the trigger too. Awesome!
Heck yea M3! Way to go bud!!! Big congrats, he is nice. Almost joined ya, drew back on a shooter twice, but could not find him in my peep... Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
Nice, buddy. I don't know a person that wouldn't have pulled the trigger on that dude. I would love to put one like that on my wall. I'm a sucker for the freaks.
Does your sight pins have a led light for low light conditions? If not and legal in your state I'd say it's worth upgrading...as a matter of fact my sight came in a ready to hunt package and isn't top of the line but the fiber optic pins hold tight and really that is all that matters. On a side note some of you asked how my hunt went in the new set up...well I saw zilch...but oddly enough loved the hunt and death felt close at hand the whole time. Will be back out at that set this afternoon, even left bow and bag hanging there so I just have to slip in. *I'm kinda sadden like a school girl who got stood up at prom though...guess RD didn't realize he had a date with me last night...jerk. :D
My sight pin is very bright, vital gear uses great fiberoptics I guess..it was finding the buck in my peep behind the sight that was the issue. Needed him to be about 10 mins earlier. 3 does, 2 bucks so far this morn....no shooters yet Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
M3...you even started figuring out that dudes measurements...he's gonna have some good mass scores. Also, dude trophy shots please! :D
Patience Tyni patience. Working the numbers now. Looks like high 130s Sent from my SCH-R760 using Tapatalk 2
HAHA, hey now I have had a terrible year for seeing deer and I live through you guys :D My patience is all but gone Congrats again bud!
Here it is boys. I can't tell you how nervous I was watching the mass on this guy come towards me all the way from 250 yrds away. I think what actually calmed me down was the fact that I seriously thought I was gonna have a heart attack it was pumping so hard. Stopped at 20 yrds just like all those bucks the other night. I was concerned that that spot would be too open but none of the bucks caught me. Only thing bad about WI is I have to wait another 2 weeks before I can go out again. Shot on 11/1 at 5:50pm @20yrds broadside Mathews DXT-Lefty 30" draw / 62# weight QAD Ultra Hunter HHA Opti Sight Carbon Express Mayhem 350 with Rage 2 blade CT Score Left Right G1 5 1/8 6 3/8 G2 8 7/8 7 5/8 G3 1 6/8 5 6/8 H1 5 3/8 5 2/8 H2 5 5 1/8 H3 5 5/8 5 7/8 H4 1 7/8 3 1/8 Main Beam 23 4/8 23 7/8 Inside Spread 18 3/8 Gross 138 4/8
It's not that he looked small before but dang! That first ground pic did not do him justice! So wait you can't hunt period for 2 weeks or just for a buck?