hunting Will finally get out in the mouring for the 2nd time this year, been sick for a week but think i might live, ha ha.Last time out saw 3 small bucks 1 i would shoot just to cull him out, his right side is all messed up. Let you know how things go in the mourn.
Otto Wisconsin big boys are awaiting you! Kfin glad to have ya up and running, good luck today...hopefully you're already dragging one out! :D Everyone else the time is coming....scraping is appearing like clockwork moving towards the beginning of the dark period...if it rains overnight and is stopping in the morning hit the scrapes! Good luck everyone!
Fitz gave me a heads up to remind everyone when posting your entry into the score card to be sure you have the date and time of the kill included. Some of the teams I guess are forgetting to do this part. Thanks guys!
Only saw a fawn and a spike come through last night. Will be heading back up the my best property/buck property this weekend for sat and sund. I will probably not be in the woods til then...although I may go hang a set tonight for the woman and myself to sit together this season.
Back from WY with nothing but a $550 piece of paper.(My tag). The mountain didn't get any snow while we were there and the elk stayed up high where we couldn't get to them.(Stinkin wilderness boundary) Out of staters aren't allowed to enter the boundary without a guide, and the line is conveniently located right at the elevation where the elk reside the majority of the time. Its almost like the guides themselves came up with this imaginary boundary line. It will be good to be back in a tree after putting roughly 50 miles on my hoofs over the past 7 days. Look for (4) pictures of a swamp donkey, a DXT and an extremely handsome gentleman to show up in this thread over the next week.(Jvanhees that includes you!)
Go out today to change the memory card in my game cam.......damn thieves took my card!, at least they did not steal my camera (bushnell trophy cam hd max)
Sask that sucks...but yeah count blessings, "higher" class theif atleast?! M3 sounds countdown till hard hard hunting is now at just a day basically! Friday morning cannot get here quick enough!
Well with the wind conditions expected I'm busy trying to rack my brain which of the three sets I have to choose from haha! Great to have options but man I hate choosing. I probably won't know till I hop in the truck tomorrow morning haha!
Conditions are looking good here for this weekend too Ty. There is an early doe season for rifle this weekend, which means I will probably have my archery only public ground all to myself. Sorry to hear about your card Sask. I too have been on the receiving end of the stolen card. It showed up back in the cam the next time I was out to replace the card. Go figure it was completely blank and the cam was turned off when I came back to put a new card in it. I'm pretty sure this thread is about to be littered with pics. Hunting is about to start getting heated up. Finding lots of new scrapes.
Feels like fall tonight. Sitting in a saddle. Hopefully the wind doesn't swirl to much. The body size of deer on this property is insane. Go Tigers! Sent from my SCH-R760 using Tapatalk 2
well im not going to wi this weekend have to much going on now... it sucks but i might get out in the woods on sunday
Well just got in the truck and heading North to Mount Pleasant. The weather is gonna suck, but Im not turned off by it. Corn on the north end was just cut and deer are hitting it hard...hope a pig steps out in this storm!...never know Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
Saw 11, none in range. One buck, but not a shooter. Got wet and cold. Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
well....something finally hit the dirt this morning...filmed my wife shoot a big doe this morning at 8:55...saw 4, all in the same group. shot was at 13 yards, she drilled her, high lung entrance, came out low in the liver, she went 70 yards and crashed....will upload pics soon
That's a tripy picture, it looks like she has her arm around her pal. good work. maybe we should have gotten her for the team? your time will come.
She certainly wouldn't have been a bad choice....It's really luck of the draw for us though....I spend 50% of my hunting time in front of the camera with her filming, the other 50% filming her behind the was her turn to hunt...I'm glad it was though...she really wanted to get a deer down this year, last year was tough for her....