How am i suppose to get any work done when my teammates are out giving dirt naps and I'm sitting here in my office thinking about it. Guess that was the logic behind our name eh?
Its for real. Ill post when i get him cut up. Not a monster but he counts. 10 scoreable points. Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk 2
Nice work Ryno I'll be refreshing my phone every 5 min tonight while i'm sitting in the tree, waiting for pics. I'm starting to feel some pressure now to deliver. I like it. I can't imagine how those guys feel that haven't started their season yet. Tyni, you got any finger nails left or have you chewed them all off
Ah RYNO!!! Thing looks like a solid buck...guess 3 1/2 year old from the cruddy teaser picture you posted you dork!!! Let's hear the story, the trophy shots and well get the pictures up!!! :D I cannot wait to hit the stand this October....the bad thing is our trail cameras are seriously lacking in the buck picture category lately. Gonna go into the season just having faith in our work, sight choices and plan.
Ryno told me 106 2/8 is what it'll come in around. He's gonna go back out tonight so won't be posting pics till after...but he texted me a picture. He probably wanted to post it but I know I couldn't wait and hounded him for one so you guys are probably dying to see as well:
update on Big Tex UPDATE..........a 12 year old girl shot him last evening about 1 mile as the crow flies from us with archery tackle. 26" inside, 30" outside, 174" gross green score. Awesome buck for sure!!!!! My neighbor and I had hundreds of pictures of this buck this year in July and August. As soon as he became hard horned he disappeared. We had hoped he would have returned when the rut came on but the lucky 12 year old got him first. Congrats to her and the dad who gets to pay the taxidermist bill. Big Tex is the buck on under the August tab, dbl lung screen name.
Grrrrr. Now what is that little girl gonna do for the rest of her life. Good for her though. Sent from my SCH-R760 using Tapatalk 2
Hahaha no chit, goodluck beating that antime soon lol. Back at it with my buddy kyle, 2 bows 2 cameras and high hopes! 56 degs w a 10mph wing out of the nw...come on deer! Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
Well he's on the scorecard. 10 minutes after my last post about does this morning this guy, another buck, and a doe come down an old logging road. He stopped at my 30 yard tree. Piled up 100 yards away. The other buck was a little bigger, but he never gave me a shot. Quite an exciting morning. Total I saw 10 different deer. I was a little down on myself for missing the doe, but it all worked out. Here's another pic I took at the house.
well that means we are officially in the number one spot guys! we just need to keep up the good work.