10-4...I will keep my eye out for a BBD post from you! Just Passin Thru is still gonna win the 2012 contest of course, but I do hope you get this boy just to make me eat my words from earlier!
Well I almost got it done team...Was out since 1030, passed on so many shots on doe because I may only have 2-3 weeks until they start construction on a pipeline here, so wanted to hold out for a buck. Well last light he showed up. Not sure what he was but he was big. At least an 8pt and at least 130". Not super wide but heavy horned and bodied, I looked at his G2s they were 10"+ and G3s were 6"+, so Thats all I needed. Well outside the ears. He came in behind me, kept switching side to side keeping me on my toes. Finally he walked 3 yards behind my tree, I switched sides, he was about 10 yards out, quartering away, head down (I think, I was lookin where I wanted to hit), I started to draw and he took off. Idk if he caught me out the corner of his eye or what. He ran 30 yards then walked off from there. Never looked at me, he was up wind and no where near where I walked, and it was getting pretty dark so I should have been harder to catch moving. Im so happy I seen so many deer and got to see a great mature buck, but cant help but be sad and wonder what happened. I wish I got em for us fellas...was just not his night to go. So please please please tell me Johnny, Aaron, and who ever else on our team that was out had a good time and at least a story to tell us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hoping I haven't heard from you guys because you had to track a few bucks last night and didn't get home til late. Fingers crossed!
well i was skunked. two afternoons and a morning and nothing. notta zip zero. didnt even see a deer. today would have been outstanding.
Well my season starts in the morning!!!!!! Cant wait to get out in the timber and see whats left. Got a decent buck working a scrape already. Got pics of few does but im pretty sure we lost a bunch to ehd.
Man no good! Im sorry to hear that brother. Gettin back out this coming weekend right? Are you able to share Johnnys experience or are you guys holding me in suspense for a bit longer?
Gettin ready to leave the house and head to the farm. Gonna hunt the same stand again today. Wind is still good for there. I figure if it was me that spooked that buck sat night then he's not gonna show up but if it was something else he should be there. Acorns everywhere so I'm sure he will be there, just hope it is while I can still shoot. Fingers crossed, would like to put 130 points or so in team 34s name.
How's it going guys been out one day so far and nothing plan on going back out Saturday then going to fort Campbell 12th thru the 14th so maybe I can put some points on the board in the next two weekends. Good luck to everyone and happy hunting.
Awesome buddy thanks for the update! Good luck this weekend if we don't talk between now n then. I'm in a tree now, hopin for some luck here.
well johnny had a buck walk under him saturday morning but too dark but the sound was unmistakable. he also jumped some does walking in that evening or sunday morning can't remember which. yeah going back this weekend. hopefully the weather will stay cool.
I sat this morning seen nice buck with a couple does but didnt come close enough. I will be back at it in the morning. It was nice to be back in the woods when it wakes up
Awesome yeah weather is lookin great for the weekend here man. Hope it does there also n hope it stays that way.
Yeah its a great feeling forsure. What was the buck? Not sure what is nice in your next of the woods. Awesome you seen one though man that's forsue!
My sit today wasn't great. Seen deer so that's good, but no bucks. Passed on some doe, sorry to keep passing 50 points guys, but I have such a limited tome till they start the work here I want to focus on bucks before they get all turned up. I'm confident I can get a doe or 2 even with the construction, but not so sure I can get a mature buck when the racket begins.
So the weatherman says rain all day today, tonight, and tomorrow morning. Says by the afternoon it will just be scattered thunder storms. Normally I would be fired up by that forecast, love hunting when it stops raining, but then I seen it was a high of 79...thats pretty darn warm. Not sure if they will move much in that or not...and not sure if I will over heat and die in it or not lol. What do you guys think?