Weather has been nice and cool here in Wisconsin, might even frost Saturday morning of opening season. Could be some good hunting boys!
For the guys whose season starts this weekend, go get them! It has been great to be in the woods. The #1 buck I was after got shot last night by a fellow club member only 200 yards from my stand, now I am back in search for another buck.
Berm extremely busy at work this week but I'm currently in the stand and will be all weekend. My 2 hit list bucks made it back in front of one of my cameras and have been showing up just a few minutes before the end of shooting light. Tonight is my first night hunting this stand so hope it's a lucky night!
No luck tonight but I did finally lay eyes on both of my hit list bucks. Unfortunately they didn't come in close enough for a shot but it was great to finally see them other than on camera. Back at it in the morning!
Good news and bad news. Good news is my buddy who came up for the weekend shot 2 does prior to 745 am this morning. Bad news when we came out there was another vehicle parked by mine. This is a small piece of land, 45 acres that I have had to myself for 3 years. It looks like the landowner has given permission to another hunter to bow hunt. I waited till he came out and spoke to him, seems like a good fella but I'm not sure how I feel about someone coming in right at the start of the season and hunting after the countless hours I have put into this property.
Ya that sucks. Unfortunately it happens. I had a farm a few years back where the owner have permission to this older guy. This guy was terrible. Mind you I know he was a old guy and I'm not sure if he couldn't hold his bladder or couldn't handle the cold. But I would see him in the distance constantly getting off his stand, going across field, then coming back. In a 4 hour sit he would go at least twice. He was ruining my hunts. Eventually I stopped hunting this property. Well boys I built the legs and floor of my new elevated box blind. Doing 12' posts alone took a lot more time then I thought. Levelling each post and building platform to make all four posts level and square was a pain in the *** alone. But finally got it. Frames floor and layed plywood. Made cross braces to give lateral support. Tomorrow I'll get the walls up, they won't take long. Season opener is about two weeks. Although things don't get serious around here for about a month. So it should leave me enough time to let things settle down.
Almost took a doe this morning. She was the only deer I saw but getting a deer in at 15 yards regardless of what it is gets the heart pumping hard. Probably won't get another chance till Friday. Hope one of you guys takes one down between now and then!
Heading out right now. Got my first sit in last night. Didnt see anything but it was good to back out in the woods.
Yes that's why I love bear hunting. It's a month before deer season and give you a chance to get those first jitters out.