Sweet, hope you can get one knocked down before the holidays. I'm already scouting for ducks to carry me thru the end of Jan. Ready to get the boat out next weekend and get after them for a couple months.
Had a perfect opportunity on a decent 9 point tonight. He jumped a fence about 20 yards away and stepped out into an opening and I decided to give him a little meh to stop him, well that didn't work. He turned and bolted about 80 yards. At that close of a distance and at how big my shooting lane was I shouldn't have done anything but release my arrow. In a way glad I didn't shoot him because he is not up to par on the size buck I'd like to take but man was I disappointed.
Sconley I did the same thing on a mid 130's 9pt a week before I killed Wowza. It was a deer that most people would shoot in a heartbeat and I never even picked my bow up bc I knew I wouldn't be happy with him. Sometimes these things happen for a reason.
Guys I finally got it done this morning, took a buck and a doe within 2 minutes of eachother. Shot the doe first and never even saw the bucks till i turned around to hang my bow up and here came to 1 being my 8 I had on my hitlist. Shot him at 42 yards slightly forward and had to sit and watch him for just over 3 hours before sneaking in with a follow up shot. Rough score real quick was just a touch over 149 but I think it might be on the high side so am going to have someone help me out and see if I am off or just shocked! I will get pics up later this evening.
Wow sconley congrats. Doe and buck and a monster buck at that. Well done. Let's see some pics of this baby. I'm getting in there tomorrow mornjng. Gonna be windy as hell but oh well I'm hunting hard until the holidays
I was wrong on my score as I was adding a mass measurement after the G3 between the end of main beam. His score ended up being 141 5/8 and is my largest buck to date. I'll get it entered officially tomorrow, right now it's time for SOA.
YEAH BABY! Great job, great story can't believe he came in right after you shot the doe. That just proves you never know what might happen, always be alert!
Ok now I am confused. So I do take mass measurements after my G3 and before the end of the main beam? I see others entering scores for 8 points with this measurement but a couple buddies told me no and my taxidermist did not score those either. So which is correct, measure between G3 and end of main beam or do not measure?
Congrats on a great deer. Yes there is always 4 mass measurements on each side. On a 8pt they get a C4 score between the G3 and Tip of beam.
Rutin, thanks for the conformation on the mass measurements. I thought I measured that but then the taxidermist didnt so I was second guessing myself. Using the taxidermist measurements plus my H4 measurements he scores 147 5/8, my biggest deer ever by almost 8 inches! I am super pumped! He's posted up to the scoreboard now so that will move us a little further from the bottom.
Wow that's a beauty. This morning I had a giant walk right under me when it was still dark. I was steaming out the ears. I could see him, but with peep no way. I couldn't see my pins at all. I'm going to try a different spot in the morning. We're wxpecting 3-5 Inches of snow tomorrow morning. Is that too heavy to hunt in?
Thanks Chago. My favorite time to hunt is during a snow. Seem to increase deer movement plus any movement jumps out against the white background. Here in KY its not to often we have a decent snow but I never miss an opportunity to hunt with snow on the ground or during snow.
Congrats Sconley, that is a monster 8 pt! I love big 8 pts. I can't believe how clean the rack is and how grey the face is. Great looking deer!
ALWAYS hunt the pressure front Chago, I had Wowza under me at 30 yard 2 days before I killed him during a big snow front. The next best time to hunt is on a warm up after a front. Thaws things out and deer get up early looking for food. Sounds like your getting close, its just a matter of time.
Congrats on a great buck Sconley! I might get out one more time this year. I have this Sunday open and am thinking about going out in the afternoon.
Ya I bailed this morning. 2-4" my ***. We're having a blizzard all morning. We have easily 1' of snow already. My daughter has a snow day from school. I have a bernese mountain dog who loves to pull sleds and carts. So he was pulling my daughter this mornjng. I walk next to him to guide him. I tripped on my own firepit tbat I couldt see because the snow cover. Fell right on my knee and cut it nicely. Went to the emergencey got 6 stitches. Doctor said sit and ice it. Forecasters are calling for the snow to settle around 3pm. If they are right, I'll be "sitting" in tree stand and icing with snow lol. That's for damn sure.
Any one getting out this weekend? I am going out tomorrow morning til about 12, still looking to get a buck. Tomorrow is the last day of gun seasons, so hope the deer will start to come out of hiding in the next week or two.
I'll be out...... hopefully killing ducks though. I'm going to kill a doe here before to long tho. Need meat for the freezer since my bucks was bad (gangrene). Havent shot a doe in YEARS and really don't like to bc we don't have a big deer population where I live.