Just a BS rough score with weedwacker string and a tape measure, only counting the main points and not the little kickers everywhere. Came up with 154" all busted up and 171" before he busted everything.
Shoot west and give Ohio a try Holt! Cheapest tag in the Midwest!!! Hell I pay more to hunt IN than if I were a NR to Ohio.
Rutin I am working on going to Ohio in the near future. I have 3 pts for Iowa, and 4 pts for Colorado and I have been wanting to try Ohio. If you have time, I would love some recommendations of area to look into. My biggest problem is I can only do 1 trip a year at this stage in my life.
Hey team, any news? Bray is two weeks old today and has a full set of hair! Hope to get out once or twice this week but I have a 20 degree minimum. Have a couple corn fields still up where I hunt. Hope to get a buck cruising to the field. Should be a hot spot.
Ya I have been busy at work last couple weeks. Should be all done this week. It's been good though. Forced me to stay out and let the bush settle down. I went in I Sunday to bring some corn to my stand. There was tracks all over my corn so they are coming. Hopefully one evening this week I can get in. This weekend I'm heading up north to a buddy's property. He has had some awesome luck last couple years up there. Lets see if I can find anything. Second week of December is my favorite late season.
I am still hunting a lot and trying to get a buck. Had a good sit on Saturday evening, had 3 bucks walk by but were little guys. Then about 1 hour before dark had a huge buck circle around the other bucks to check them out then bed down about 150 yards out and stay bedded til after dark. I am still on the bucks but just cant make it happen, this has been one of my toughest years every! But I do have 2 months left for deer season.
Hey cvbot, I don't know if you have been on recently but they need the hour of day that you shot your buck in order for it to be entered. Just wanted to let you know, plus I'm tired of seeing team 31 near the bottom of the list. Should be in the middle of the pack or better once we get those last two bucks entered!
Understand that man. Depends if you hunt with a guide or public. If public there is a TON of ground in southern Ohio and there are a lot of deer down there also. Eastern Ohio is really good and usually has high deer numbers every years with the most P&Y bucks.
Thanks for the recommendation, I started looking in to doing public land hunts. I am more of a DIY person! I might try my first trip to Eastern Ohio because its will be easy for me to drive thru western MD into Ohio.
Well boys I just finished the job site I was on. Im off now until the new year. So ill be back in the woods as much as possible next couple weeks. Our season is over on dec 31, but once Christmas comes around ill be at family events every day. So I really only have a couple weeks left. I have never in 9 years of hunting been skunked on deer. So I'm determined to get one.
Check out Woodbury Wildlife area. Its HUGE and doesn't get hardly any pressure. If you see another human being I would be surprised.
Man o man. Had a eventful night. Surrounded by deer but they were all keeping their distance. One doe finally came in to 20 yards. She turned her back so I drew amd as soon as I did she bolted. She circled around me I watched her go the whole way and then get my wind. FRUSTRATING! Gonna move spots for a few days.