Well guys home from my vacation in Arkansas. Had a good time checking trail cams and seeing some MONSTER bucks but did not have time to hunt. While I was there, I had done some things I thought I would NEVER do in my life. I ate the hottest pepper to date thanks to the best uncle in the world It was called the Trinidad Moruga Scorpion. Tasted sweet and not too bad at first. Then it turned into Hell. Rates something like 2.4 million on the Scoville scale. It is 8 times hotter than a Habanero, and 4 times hotter than a Ghost Pepper. This little pepper had my eyes watering and felt like my stomach was churning lava. Not only did it hurt for the next hour, it lasted into the next day. And when you had to take a load off, again you were in tears. But I was actually happy to say that I ate it! Now....to turn those little peppers into a rub for Deer steaks!!!
Well after a busy week, I am all done!! Buck is on the Scorecard!! Remeasured and noticed a mistake, score went down slightly to 79 3/8". Gonna work harder yet next year. I am already looking for new treestand locations based off how I saw things going during the rut here this year. I will keep checking in on the rest of you. Sorry I could not contribute bigger, but it was a real pleasure working with you all towards scoring as good as we all could. Now, to those still climbing trees, good luck and may the biggest of your hitlists goof up and cross all of your paths!! Hunt safe, have fun, enjoy all that there is out there and I will keep checking in.
Was out the other night...Work a smaller buck in from 80 yds, grunting and finally snort wheezing at him...Misjudged the range though and shot under him, clean miss, funny thing was he jumped at the shot, but I was able to call him back to about 40 yds but never got anopther clean shot...Weather is changing up here, gonna get cold, will hopfully get out Sunday.
Hey guys. Been hard at it 11 sits in 8 days and 5 of the sits on our lease in Jo Davies. The hill climbs on the lease wore me out! With the wind/rain and rising temps for the next two days, I'm going to use the time to recoup. The bottom is supposed to fall out on the temps this week here. As for movement, I've been seeing small bucks chasing does. Had small bucks in range and had a half rack come in. Several does were in range but they get a pass for a little bit. A buddy of mine was hunting 200 yards away and had a 160 come bolting out of a ravine chasing a doe but that was all we saw as far as any bucks of size goes. I hope the activity escalates here.
Nice doe 2Xlung!! Congrats on filling a tag! Hope you have great luck on the buck, and I really hope you are able to get us out of the upper 70"'s for bucks!! Do us proud and lay a big one down. Good luck.
Congrats! Good sized doe. The weather definitely is not helping this year. Its been pretty warm and 40-50 degrees wont cut it. After this weekend, the temps are supposed to really dip down, this should change things. Unfortunately, gun season is next weekend so im sure a lot of deer are going down. Can't decide whether I want to gun hunt or not.
Hope you can hold to bow Illinoishunter102. I would have loved to have gotten a bigger buck this year and could have with my gun. However, it is so much more rewarding to do it with your bow. This buck this year has been my only my second bow buck and first since my original in 2007, and I am thrilled. In our area of Minnesota this year we were only allowed two tags and having filled out completely by bow, I am just thrilled. Love my biggest buck that I got with the gun, but the regrets I have that I didn't shoot him with my bow (and I could have as I shot him with slug gun at 10 yards!) are enormous. Do what makes you happy above all, but be aware, if you do get that monster with the bow you will have a trophy above and beyond just the memories potentially. But as I said, above all, do what makes you happy.
Was out yesterday in 30 degrees temps with winds at about 15-20. Was just gettin gready to call it a night(a little early) hooked my bow up and lowered it out of the tree, turned to unhook my safety harness and saw a giant bodied buck. Never even looked at the antlers more than to see he had some. He was moving pretty good, tried some grunts and even a snort wheez but couldn't turn him around. Turns out that a rifle hunter on the neighboring property bumped him walking out....Now that I know he's in the area the hunt is on...
He's one for the scorecard guys. Shot him in IL. Tuesday at 6:40 am at 25 yards. I scored him at 134 7/8
Wow, madman and headstrong...Nice looking deer...Temps are supposed to be near 60 this week, who would think that in MN in November...Going to try to get out Wednesday morning, don't get to many chances at morning hunts so I have to take advantage of it...good luck to all....Happy Thanksgiving