Depending how much snow we have up at our land in northern wisconsin, I'll be heading up there friday and saturday to scout a new area and shed hunt. There are thousands of acres of public land up there that nobody has the ambition to shed hunt, so I'm hoping to find a few.
Well guys, sorry to say, but I lied to you all.... I went out again and found a shed. I also found a 177" deadhead. Sorry lol Pics tomorrow probably, gotta write a speech and study for an exam tomorrow
: You have your priorities wrong !!!!! It is much more important to post pictures of sheds and 177" dead heads then write speeches or study. looking forward to the pictures. Tim
Well Tim, congratulations, you have brought out the procrastinator in me lol. And a would be 5 point shed, but the g2 is broken off. That makes 24 sheds, and 4 deadheads on the year. The deadheads score 177", 149", and one would have been somewhere around 150 but it is chewed almost in half. The last one is real old, one whole antler is chewed off at the base. Probably would have scored around 80".
Nice find on the dead head but that is to bad you could not harvest him. That would be a great bow kill. I am ordering my NEW bowtech destroyer 350 tonight after work. I can not wait! So for the G2G I will be at the top of the chain for the Bowtechs! Woot Woot!
My brother beat me to the woods shed hunting yesterday. He found a matched set, a dead 10 point and a 4 point shed. By far the most anyone of us has ever found on our land. Bucks usually leave our land but this year for some reason a good number of them stuck around. I was waiting for the snow to melt as was my bro but he beat me out there being I've been living In that damn milk truck of mine too much. Pic of the dead head 10 point. I didn't take pics of the sheds from the 8 point so Instead here's a trail cam pic of him.
Cole Wow... that was a heck of a buck !!!! Too bad as he would have been a brute if he had survived. Steve Congrats to your brother !! You are going to have to put the smack down on him for poaching your sheds. :D Too bad about the bucks. Tim
Sorry about the delay. I'm up to 6 sheds. It's been a real tough year for some reason. I've put alot of miles in but luck is not on my side this year. Going to keep searching with the little time we have left. GOOD LUCK!
I have a few pics from the field. I'll also take a picture of all of them together. Still trying to figure out the photo downloading.
Ok team, let me know if your numbers are wrong! They are looking to post an update and I want to make sure I am correct on everyones totals! Thanks!
I thought about that actually, I will try and bring it if we have room. 3 guys and enough stuff to camp 3 nights in a truck will be a tight squeeze lol
I will be bringing my sheds from this year that are nice enough to show off. I know Crick, Shed Head, and I brought our sheds last year and it was really cool to share stories with each other. Hope you all got to see them last year.