Heading out in the morning for a good 5 to 8 hours. We will see how the legs stand up to the test. Hope I find at least one shed! Wish me luck! Good luck to all of you!
I went out this morning and walked my butt off to find a dead buck that shed its antlers. I then was hitting my last spot where I wanted to hit before I fell on my face from walking. I walked for 5 hours straight with no breaks and boy I was whipped. I then looked to my right and saw two tines sticking up from the grass. I walked over to find it is the match to my 74 incher that I found earlier this year. Not sure how long it was sitting there due to the snow but the squirrels chewed off two of the tips. That really stinks and the brow tine is broke off flesh to the beam. Still a really nice shed anyhow.
Thanks guys I will be scoring it tonight to see what the differences are. I am sure a lot due to being beat up and chewed by the squirrels.
Mike and I took a 4 hour walk today, and I managed to come home with 5 sheds. Not too shabby considering I usually don't find 5 sheds all year. Nothing huge, the biggest is going to score around 55 inches or so. Three are off 2 year olds that should be real nice bucks next year. Funny thing is, all 5 are left sides. Couldn't find a right to save our lives! Post some pics in a minute, have to get them resized and uploaded first.
I finally found a shed today as well. I figured I would go check a place where I almost had a shot at a 160" buck this year, and I found a shed within 1 minute of looking I also hunted around another spot, and found an old dead head with one side chewed completely off. Not a bad day in my book. Pics shortly
Way to go guys! I think I have another set after looking at my antlers closer. What do you all think? http://forums.bowhunting.com/showthread.php?t=19766
First of the year Thought it was a matched set, but they're from different bucks! 5th one of the day, found directly underneath one of Mike's stands. :D
The weather definitely sucked yesterday, that's for sure. We walked for 4 hours in the rain and by the time we got done I was soaked all the way down to my underwear. Good thing I brought a change of clothes for the 2 hour ride home! Looks like we're going to be getting some more snow this week which is going to cover a few sheds back up. That's okay though, there's plenty of bucks still holding their antlers for awhile longer yet. I probably won't get out for any serious looking for another two weeks or so. Hoping the snow is melted off again by that point.
You the man Justin!! Well done. We just got another foot of snow 2 days ago. That leaves us with about 4 feet of this junk In places. No more shedding for me until this snow melts.
5 more miles and 0 sheds...tryin a new spot tomorrow. my buddys dog found a 50" shed a few years ago, the my wife almost hit a giant. other then getting out of work at 4:30pm and not alot of time to look, i think it should produce.
Congrats on all the sheds guys. Justin, that one pic with two sheds in it...did you find them like that (beside one another)? Pretty cool. I've been out several times and was about burnt out but I saw a nice full racked buck this morning on the way to work. So still a bit early to call it quits. I think I started too early. I did find the below shed a couple weeks ago. Check out the hiding spot he had in that fallen pine. It was a last year's shed.