Well Boys, spent a half day on friday walking a new piece that was right around 200 acres. Only managed one shed, but I found a dead 9pt with one g2 broken off. I'm waiting till he quits smelling to score him. +1 for team 3
My shed season is, for all intents and purposes, over. Mike and I spent the better part of two days walking the farm where I killed Little Mac this fall and couldn't come up with a single shed. On Saturday we walked 7.5 freakin miles! Come on man! One last chance to stumble on something this weekend but I'm not holding out hope. We're going to scout some public ground we may hunt this fall.
Here are some skulls I have found lately, no sheds though. This one scores 177 3/8" This one scores 182 1/8" And this one scores 142 and some change I found another that would have been in the 160 or 170 range, but it was chewed all to pieces. The main beam is barely holding together anymore, you can see through it lol