Looks like a great spotNC. Are those hog buildings to the East? If they are I wouldn't worry about them smelling you with an East wind, altho I wouldn't want to smell that all day either.
These temps are too much for me to be hunting! 80 is just too hot for me. Hopefully it'll cool down soon & I'll get out again.
John, great work on the video! Your property looks awesome. Can't wait to see you put down a monster this year!
I'm going to take my climber & sit until 8:30am, got some fence to take down & want to get it done before the rut starts. I don't want to be working out there stinking up the area after next week, should've had it down by now but life keeps getting in the way!
Shot a doe last night sure of it, I watched what looked like a perfect shot, but no blood with my new broad heads, I am shooting low poundage so didn't expect emediant blood but looked for an hour and was unsuccessful.
An hour isn't very long, go out & look this morning. If your sure about the placement she's more than likely within 100yds of the shot. I've spent 4hrs looking for one.
Backwoods, you need to get back out there and look for her. If you had a high hit and no exit there won't be any blood until her chest fills up to the hole level. My doe didn't bleed much until after 30-40 yards and then it came out by the bucket full. Do the right thing and get out there in the daylight with some buddies and you will find her if your shot hit where you think it did. An hour isn't much of a search for a deer. I've been on the trail for a whole day and finally made the recovery. Good luck man, go find her.
On another note, I hunted all weekend and saw more turkeys than deer. Movement wqs next to nothing in the heat. I have a turkey tag but none came in range. Supposed to cool down some this week.
well sorry guys.. I had a miss tonight had a doe at 40 yrds and she ducked the arrow. it was around 6:40 at night and I think she saw the lumenok coming. I could be wrong but I found a lot of fur just no blood and I know she ducked it. Hope to have better luck this weekend
Food Blog John that was a great blog on food sources! It is so important to have those options for deer to hold and attract them to your property and stay on your property. One day I would like to have a farm of my own that I can properly manage. Right now I have permission to hunt numerous tracts but it's not the same as owning your own. Really enjoyed your article though.
Thanks Josh, there are no guarantees but I try to tip the odds in my favor whenever I can. I'm headed to the farm tonight to hunt Friday-Sunday. Gonna make a long weekend out of it. I have some new stands I want to try out this weekend. Winds should be good to start with, we will see how they end up. I need to start seeing some bucks on their feet in daylight. Going to check my cameras too. Have 2 on video mode over scrapes. Should be interesting. Good luck out there this weekend guys.
John, it's definitely a plus when we can tip the scales our way but they usually are still no where near even lol. Anyway good luck to you out there this weekend. I actually will not be hunting until next week. My family is leaving this evening for a weekend getaway up in the mountains of NC. We usually go this time of the year and the scenery is absolutely breathtaking. Anyway, I know once I get back things should start picking up in the whitetail woods. Anyway, good luck to the rest of the "Tree Rats"!! Go get us some more points on the board guys!!
I have a bad case of the flu! Hopefully, I'll be better by saturday or sunday and can get out in the woods. Two more weeks before vacation Oct 30 - Nov 5!
I feel much better and was able to get out a few hours after work to hunt. I saw a doe and two fawns. The doe was less than 5 yds from the base of my tree, twice. I just couldn't shoot her. I'm not normally opposed to shooting does with fawns. I was hunting at my dad's (10 acres). Over the past two years there have been very few does using it for their homerange. We have spotted this doe many times and she appears to be almost tame. I was once within 20 ft of her checking trailcams. She didn't blow or stomp, just stood there. I couldn't believe it. I just can't let one loose at her. Maybe it will pay off for me in the future and keep the bucks from roaming when the rut kicks in. I plan to get out on another property this afternoon. We have a cold front moving in sometime Monday with temperatures down in the low 30's by Tuesday or Wednesday. Good luck guys!
Guys, according to the moon phase this is the best week to be in the woods this season. I plan on hunting a few nights after work close to home this week and probably will take off Friday to hunt all weekend. If you can get out there this would be the time to do it. The cold front blowing in across the midwest should only helpmatters too. I hunted all last weekend and passed on 2 small 1.5 year old bucks at close range and let a couple of does walk in my best spots so I didn't mess them up. Had some close calls with turkeys too. Got some video of my buck I call "Bakers Dozen at a mock scrape I made. Give the Tinks Power Scrape a try, it really works. The videos should be on Bowhunt or Die this week.
Greetings Hello Tree Rats, I hope everyone is getting a chance to be in the woods right now as this cool weather moves through. Game time is just around the corner. I myself have not hunted in over a week and it is about to kill me!!! I am however traveling this weekend to a buddy of mine's place to hunt all weekend. This rarely happens due to working two jobs with a wife and young son at home. My friends has got some great deer on camera so hopefully I can get us some more points on the board. Looks like it is going to be nice and cool for us so it should be a good weekend. Anyway, wish me luck and I will go on and wish you all luck out there this weekend. I will be out of the loop for a few days so hopefully I will have good news to bring back to you.
I'll be out in the morning, first time since opening day. Got word of a 140-150" 10pt in the area. Looking forward to getting in the stand with these cool temps. Good luck to everyone!