Final day of training today!!! Headed back to the Ozarks on Friday!!! Can't wait to pull SD cards and see whats being hanging around while I was gone. Season starts next Saturday!!!
Broadheads I have switched to Grim Reapers whitetail special i have heard well but has anyone used them?
Never used the Grim Reapers, but know a couple guys that really like em. I should be in a tree behind my house in 4 hours. Gonna sit close to some white oaks tonight. Haven't set foot there yet this year, so it's an undisturbed area.
I got home this afternoon and haven't had time to check cams yet. Should get to it tomorrow. I did see three deer bedded behind the house tonight. It kind of got my blood going. GOOD TO BE HOME!!!
This morning was one of those hunts where you don't have to kill anything to call it a success. I had deer around me from before sunrise until 7:45. Just before the sun came up I had a small 8 point enter the bean feild 60 or so yards from me. He angled across the field and crossed about 30 yards in front of me then went out of sight. Got a little footage of him. Then I saw 2 does and a fawn in the field near where the buck came out. They fed over there for a while behind some bushes so I didn't get any film of them. While the does were out feeding I noticed 2 small bucks across the field coming my way. They slowly fed across the feild never getting closer than 70 yards. But it was really neat watching them interact for about 45 minutes. You can learn a lot about a deers body language by observing them undisturbed. They had a couple of sparring matches along the way. Got a ton of video of these 2. Then after they disappeared for a bit the 2 small bucks along with another buck came bounding back across the field. Not sure what spooked them. With all of the activity there this morning, I know where I'll be this afternoon. Now I just have to get one that's big enough in range. Or a nice old doe would do too.
Pulled my cards and was a little disappointed. No pics of lefty. I had several of a good looking 2 1/2 yo with potential.
looks great guys cant wait till oct 1 I will be in the stand all day and same thing with the 2nd. I hope to send out a txt that says bbd and let you all start a teaser thread
It is a real scrape, I added a dripper. Got several pics of bucks using and urinating in it. Including some daytime activity. I have a stand about 25 yds from it.
Well.......................I got my first kill of the season, but we won't be getting any points for it.
JM... we may not get points for it but I sure don't blame you for shooting it. I will probably be taking out more pigs and coyotes this year than deer but you got keep them in check. At least you got to fling an arrow. Hopefully I will get another opportunity this week.
When I pulled in my driveway this morning at 4:30, I saw FIVE bucks in my field! I will be doing some hunting close to the house.
I should be hunting by 4:30 tonight. I think I'm just gonna set up in the brush along the bean field since nothing has been passing in front of my stand anyhow. Now megabuck will walk right under it with me not in it.
thats the way it works. I am unsure of what I am going to do for my saturday mourning hunt. I can hunt standing corn of standing soy beans. Both fields will not be cut in time. We have had rain the last two days which has pushed the cutting schedule back a bit. I think I am going to hunt the standing corn till around 11 then move into the timber line for the evening since the soybeans should be being cut arround 1 on saturday
I'll only be able to hunt a couple of hours Saturday morning. I get off work at 4am and I have to work Saturday night. I must have sleep Sunday morning. I'll be in the stand Sunday evening. Good luck everyone.