that is when mine starts but I am getting the itch so bad. So I am going to shoot some with the camera
Had to rescue us from page 2. I talked to a neighbor and he got an inch of rain at his place today. Maybe my food plots just got saved. It will for sure give the wheat and clover I planted last week a jump start. I'll probably head to the farm sometime this weekend to check on things and see if it greened up already. Of course I'll have to check the trail cams too. I put a couple on my water holes last week since it's been so dry that the creek had dried up.
Just three more weeks! I'll be in Califorina for two of them. Back the 23rd then one week to wait. Checking trailcams Sunday before I leave.
I just pulled my cards before my out-of-town bussiness trip. Thought I would share. Hope you like them. Hold down the fort and keep us off of page two while I'm gone.
I hope this guy changes the time he visits the bean field on Thursday. I'll be waiting for him. I'm off Thursday-Sunday for the opening of the season in MO.
Well.... Sorry guys but I don't have anything for the Tree Rats!! I hunted Saturday morning, evening, and yesterday evening and saw a grand total of 1 fawn!! The only thing I can figure is daytime movement is at a minimum due to the full moon. I have plenty of pics of daytime movement the two places I went. I will probably go out again sometime this week and can hopefully get some points on the board for us. Either way is felt so good to be back in the stand!! jm good luck going after that pig. He is a brute. Good luck to the rest of you guys hunting out there!!
Well guys I put the smack down on two does so far. I'll post the pics tonight for our 50 points. Maryland opens Thursday and I got a couple 150"ers and one booner running around. Hope I can seal the deal .....
Good Job ruttnutt!! I am ready to tag a couple does myself. Hopefully I will get the opportunity too this week. Good luck on the bucks as well.
Good deal ruttnutt. Now we're off and running, can't wait to see the pics. I'm hoping I can get us some points by the weekend. I start hunting Thursday and am off till Monday.
Yall need to post your kill two pictures of you with deer and bow aquipment on the scorecard two people have killed on our team but not done it.
X2, comon guys lets post those scores. We should be in first place right now, but Chris didn't know about the does counting. Now we have another doe down and nothing on the board. It's hard to talk trash to the other teams with nothing to show yet. Unless you're out hunting and away from the internet, let's get the kills posted in the scoring thread in a timely manner. After all you did sign up to participate.
Hopefully Well my plan is to head back out tomorrow evening. We have some nasty weather and colder temps moving in for the weekend so hopefully that will have them up and moving. We definitely need to get some points on the board!! I am attaching some pics of a particular doe I would like to take. I think she has a broke leg and maybe some other issues. I got an awesome close up of her face in one of them at night. It looks like she has fire coming out of her eye. She is the top doe I am after but I will take any that walk in front of me. Hope one of my antlered friends will grace me with his presence lol.
My season starts the 24 i am ready went did test run in tree stand without bow perfect hadn't been in 5 minutes three doe walked up.
I know I'm not on your team, but thats gotta be pretty damn frustrating to have deer down but not being submitted. Hopefully they are just busy. Would be real bad to lose by 50-100pts! Unless it was to team 14
You have got that right man!! I know things come up and people, including myself, are super busy but when you knock something down it needs to be posted asap.