Whatever you like. If you order from me it would be easier to do check than cash or credit/debit. I could let you use my login on the site if you would rather pay with credit. Just let me know what items you are looking at and I will get you some prices
Moved a couple stands this weekend and set up a new one on some property I used to and am planning on hunting again this year in Jersey Co. IL. I start Sept. 15 here in MO and Oct. 1 in IL. I'll be gald to take the capatin duties if that works for all of you. Lets see if we can all get the avatar posted soon. Thanks again for the avatars Matt. They look great.
Our opening day is this Saturday. Hopefully I will get my slick head out of the way if the bucks don't show up.
I've been hunting since Aug. 15. Cannot shoot does until Sept. 15. I've seen some young bucks, but the older guys aren't venturing into the heat. I'm trying to get out this week, but all this rain and wind is putting a damper on things!
Well the opener for KY was full of deer, but unfortunately none of them were bucks. I hunted Saturday evening (98 degrees, way too hot) and saw 9 doe, then sunday morning I saw 1 doe around 8:30 AM and harvested her. Its been pouring rain in KY since 3:00 Sunday so i missed out on Sunday night and Monday's hunting But i took off work Thursday and Friday so I'll be in the woods for a 4 day weekend. Jake, thats awesome man thanks for the opportunity! i just bought a tree spider, but now i wish I would have waited a bit. Oh well... I'm going to PM you a couple things i am interested in if you could help me out that woudl be great! thanks, chris
Congrats on the doe Chris. Don't forget to take 2 pics of her with you and your bow for the contest. We get to score 50 points for the doe. You need to enter her in the entry thread with the pics. Looks like the "Tree Rats are off and running. I moved a couple stands over the weekend. Man was the weather great Sunday and Monday. Come on Sept. 15.
Hey Guys, Just remember to enter a deer in the contest, you need 2 pictures of you with the deer and your bow must be in the picture also. I know every year a few entries get thrown out because they only took one picture then butchered the deer or the bow wasn't in the picture. Let's not have that happen to us this year. I know we have a few new members on the team this season. If your unsure about any of the rules or scoring for the contest, please ask or get it clarified before you start hunting. The official rules are posted in a sticky at the top of the contest page. Please read those before your season starts. I think there is also a limited amount of time you have to post the score (I forgot what it is) so we need to post kills in a timely manner. Thanks guys, John
Do we have a captian yet? If not, my votes for Jim. Checked cams Monday and my target buck has shed his velvet. Here's a little fellow that's still hanging on to his.
oh sh.., I thought this was a buck only contest. I have a picture of her at the meat packer but thats it, no bow no me. I'm heading back out for a 4 day weekend starting tomorrow, so I'll have to bust another doe. and get some points on our board. I can take a pic of her confirmation number and it is bow season only right now, but i'm not sure if that would be accepted or not. Sorry everybody, newbe mistake.
No they are pretty stuck on that rule, 2 pics of you with the deer and your bow in the picture. Oh well, just go out and kill another doe, they eat good! Also, on the contest rules. For those of us with more than one buck tag, it's the first buck killed that must be the one entered in the contest. You first time guys in the contest might want to read the contest rules in the sticky at the top of the contest page.
Ain't no biggie man!! You will get another one down. They are going to be pretty firm this year on the requirements for deer entry in the contest. Just be sure to get 2 different pics with you, your kill, and your bow before you enter.
I will be in a stand in less than 48 hrs. There is a ground blind my Dad and I built a few years ago that I will hunt Saturday morning. It's been my yearly opening day tradition and I usually harvest a doe that morning. Wind is never a problem b/c my Grandparents hog house fans blow directly toward my stand so that is all they smell. It is not the most enjoyable stand to sit b/c of that reason but I never get winded and I usually thwack something when I go. The wind however will determine my evening hunt though. I just cannot believe our season is a little over a day away!!
I am thinking of sitting in my stand on sunday night. They are harvesting the corn on saturday so I might tryout my new camera and 3rd arm and see what footage I could get