That would be me John. Thanks for the complements on the story jakeratt. Great looking Bucks in those pictures guys, looks like a really good team this season, can't wait to get started.
Ok, Matt did us up an avatar. Let me know what you think. He said he can update it if we don't like something.
AHHH, so he has good genetics! At least you 2 won't be fighting over the same bucks. (Judging by your locations anyhow!) Let me know if you guys like the avatar or if we need to make any changes. Matt said he would make one for each of us if we like it. I have a couple items I can send hom for doing it for us.
I am here, sorry for the delay. I will mostly be hunting here in SC but will spend ten days in Fulton County Illinois. I am a member of the Mossy Oak, Martain Archery and Victory Archery Pro Staffs. Unfortunitly I have not shot a buck since 2009 but I have high hopes for this season. Oh by the way, My name is Andy Hardee.
I LOVE THE AVATAR........ HIT ME UP WITH ONE> also JM do you have any decals. I have been asking everyone if they have any and no one has any. I want one for my truck
Great, looks like we are all checked in now and have a full team. I gave the list of names to Matt so he can make an avatar for everyone. I ran up to my farm in IL last night after work and planted my wheat and clover. It's supposed to rain tomorrow so I wanted to get it in the ground. I checked on myother food plots which I planted 4 weeks ago. They haven't had a drop of rain since planting. They definately could look better, but I was actually surprised at how much had come up. The Austrian Winter peas are doing ok in a few spots where they are shaded a good part of the day, but most areas are very thin. My Daikon radishes are doing the best of everything right now. There is a fair stand over most of the field I planted them in. The Whitetail Institute Winter Greens didn't do very well at all. They really only came up in one small area that was partially shaded. I can't see where they are doing anything in most of the field where I planted them. We are supposed to get some rain tomorrow. I sure hope so, it may still be in time to help some, but if it stays dry any longer I'm not sure if anything will survive.
HEY GUYS, I just got off the phone with Ryan at Scent Blocker. aka, They sponsered me last year and well he just let me know that he would be willing to sponsor the whole team. By this he means any gear that we need off the website will be for reduced prices. for example a hoody that is 50 bucks is only 25 This jacket is 85 bucks for example If you see anything on the site that you want let me know and I will get everything ordered up
The avatar looks great! When someone has a chance send it to me & I'll put it up. I'm not sure what's going on at the farm this year but myself & 2 other guys have been running a total of 5 cameras & out of approx. 1000 pics we only have 2 spikes & maybe a 100" 8pt. The rest are doe. I'm not really concerned because I know from the previous 4yrs of hunting that there are PLENTY of bucks that roam the farm during the season. It just seems strange to have so many pics & no decent bucks. I'm going monday morning to check the cameras, if there's nothing decent I'll probably pull them & just start hanging stands based on the last 4yrs.
I got my last two treestands hung Sunday. Normally I would have them up sooner but it's been way too hot. Found a fresh scrape near one stand. I should have pics by next weekend. I will be out of town for two weeks. Training for work (). They had sessions in Sep, Oct and Nov. I requested Sept. Can't miss any time in the stand!
Alright, here you go guys. All you have to do is right click on the image, save it to your desktop, and then upload it through the CP here on the site. Good luck to you all! Looks like a solid team here.
John will make a fine team captain. Anyone else interested, now is the time to let us know. Nice work on the Avatars Matt, thanks. Awesome deal on the Scent Blocker stuff Jakeratt, Thanks, and thank them for us. Anyone on the team besides ruttnutt hunting yet? I wont get to hunt till Oct 1st. Would like to drive up to Black River and do some scouting next weekend, might just try and call in some Elk and get some pictures. I sure do love this time of year!