What!!!! I put on the gloves and she takes off running :d Guys im seeing strutters now, im getting real ansy to get in the blind!! cant wait!
Saw a group of about 15, today. I was getting a little worried about the lack of birds being seen! We got a big ice/snow storm today, it sucks.
you guys are killing me, I am going out as soon as I find a dry morning to listen for wake up gobbles. Saturday I hope to get out and walk around some scouting them out, maybe even stumble upon a shed. Dang rain needs to hold off though.
I'm sorry, did you take a swing? I didn't notice. We bowfished under a roost tree last week. (night time) Didn't know there were turkeys up there until we heard lots of crashing through the tree tops. They don't seem to navigate too well in the dark. :huh: Bet they were easy to call in after that. :hijack:
Hows the bowfishing in the woods goin for ya? I think that word should be banned until I get out this year...I have GOT to get out on the lake.:computer:
I was out sheddin today and saw one single turkey track. Not one of my normal turkey woods though so im not to worried about it. I cant imagine getting out to listed already, generally they dont start to gobble around here until atleast april 1.
Looked like i had some BIG Toms in front of the cam the last couple of days,, Ill check tomorrow after I sleep from the hoot owl shift. Ill post pics!!
Well there has been 9 Toms together but i can only get 4 at the cam, guess the others are a little shy :d Dig the visual corn kabob They were not seeing the scatered corn so i gave them a distance visual aid :d Thats the back of my house in the background, the tall green one, with the pool.
Bout crashed the truck today when I went by a the next field south of our house and saw +/- 150 birds!!!! I couldn't believe it, I thought I had it bad before...but now I real ready for the season.
Crick, you better scoot over next spring if you keep showin these pics of 9 huge gobblers.:d Kyle, I understand completely...I DID swerve off the road last spring when we saw a moving "cedar thicket"....backed up, and realized it was well over 100 birds, and get this, over 15 strutters in one 50 acre field. It was insane, got some footage of it somewhere too.
Dems, my Turkeys Missy TEmbry, sounds like you have plenty to, I may move you over Guys, its about my luck, I took the cam down, looked up there today, and 10 were where the cam was, they added a buddy. Two were fighting over the corn Kabob since the rest was already gone :d SO, Now i have the cam back, and I rigged up 5 ears of corn on a horazontal Rod, proped up on Y sticks just for giggles :d
You only need one. I suppose I could try hitting Trevor up, but we'll just end going after bigheads instead.
Im down for both. Been trying to get Kyle to head down for some turkey by day, bigheads by night...he pitched some baloney story about being in college or something. LOL To be honest, I'm honestly not sure what I am more excited about, bowfishing or turkey hunting....all I know is I want spring here NOW. lol Fired up the genny after a winter of inactivity and brought the boat back to my house...all the lights work like a charm still. Getting the boat prepped to paint today for someday over the next week or so. Also headin out in the AM for the first session of listening for gobbles of the year...man I am eat up with this stuff.:d
Well who's the lucky Dog that gets to hunt first of all of us?? I have to wait till April 23rd Bloodcrick........April 23rd GMMAT Kyle AL
I was going to be in AL this coming weekend, but it won't be until April 3-6 now. April 3-April 6 Alabama April18-May 10 Kentucky Still might do TN but it is very doubtful, I just don't want to fork out the $200+ for tags. IF, I tag out early here in KY, I may still yet buy a TN tag and head south for the remainder of their season. I am only 30 minutes from the state line.