It's official, I suck at bowhunting. 3 sits this weekend and zero deer spotted from stand. I hope I have better luck next weekend!
I had the same type of luck his weekend...No deer sightings. Saw a load of turkeys and drew back twice but couldn't get off a shot. Cooler weather and November are coming!
I didn't see any deer all weekend. But I stayed home. JZ, Plan B does not involve your abode and fire. (you still have points to contribute!) I am unlikey to get out during this week due to having my mom down here again. The weather on Thursday and Friday looks pretty good tho'. Sunday and Monday I'm going to try to be at Mr. Mueller's. (unless he comes to his senses and dis-invites me). :D I predict the buck movement switch is about to be flipped.. good luck you guys!
Here's another guy I'm after - MB3. That totals 5 for-sure shooters and 1 borderline shooter here in the suburbs. If only one of them walks in front of me!!!!!
I don't care if I have to plant my butt in a stand for 3 straight days this weekend, I'm going to kill something or die trying.
Good luck, we need some points! I know I won't be able to get out till Saturday morning, but the conditions look good. Good luck everyone.
Been out the last two nights and deer activity has really been picking up around here. Only seen does but it's a good sign I think that things are about to get real good. I won't get out this weekend, maybe sunday afternoon but weekend after that I'm planning on some all day hunts. Germ, Frank, Cougar...ya'll been quiet. How's the hunting?
Got a doe for us, sorry I have been busy with family issues. Only been out a few times, this is my second doe, forgot to take pictures of the first one. It was a really bad night family wise with issues. Picture of impact spot, you can see the doe in the score thread
Got a small doe this morning! Will post pics and enter it tomorrow. I have done very little hunting as I am in the middle of a total bathroom renovation. But thats going to change, wife agreed I can work on the bathroom during bad weather and spare time.
Took a buck this morning, pictures in scorer thread, will post score later. Every have a great year, I am done.
have not done much hunting here typical PAcluster in the woods. kinda looking forward to Montana. congrats to our killers.
Congrats to Justin and Germ on the bucks, and a couple does in there too. Things are getting good around here, I should be out a few evenings this week, hopfully I can contribute.
Germy - congrats on the deer buddy. Hope your family stuff gets worked out, I know how that can take its toll on a person. Scored my buck today at 129 6/8 gross even with the busted tines. Not too shabby! Would've been my best bow buck to date if he was whole, but that's life I guess! So that's my contribution(s) for this year. It's up to the rest of you'z to bring it home for Team 3. I'm passing the baton!
I'm pretty sure I could have killed a buck pushing 130" over at John's place this weekend. Being that I was a guest... I opted to try filming it instead of killing it. The camera arm was being noisy and stiff and my movement with it got me busted by the deer. The little bit of footage I did get is super grainy because my camcorder apparently doesn't handle early morning light too well. Dang... He was well within bow range before he picked me off tho'. So, I 'count coup' on him. :D The next morning I saw a bigger buck but he never came closer than 60 yards. Then John came over and rattled at the base of the tree I was in and another buck came in, then realized he had been had and trotted off. I've never rattled in a deer or seen it done in person so that was really cool. In fact the whole trip was fun. Even going up the killer hill was amusing. I did get humbled by a stand John tried to put me in.. If I didn't otherwise think JM is a nice guy, I'd swear he was trying to kill me. I'm back at home now and will be hunting down at the park this week. Hopefully the deer are moving there too.
we just got 25 acres to hunt and sunday night, my wife saw at least 10 does and i saw 6 and missed a small 8pt.(60")...glad i missed. i have never seen so many deer in my life. the land owner and neighbors have seen a giant. he said it was in his yard sunday morning (daylight)! got 2 cuddebacks out and only small bucks so far. cant wait, i got the 4th thru the 12th off, dark to dark. this property has never been hunted...this is where the deer yard in winter! late season could be interesting. good luck this weekend ya'll!
I understand Christine - you didn't want to pull a Greg/MO on us. :D At least you got to see some good deer, which is always encouraging. Now get out there and kill one! I'm going to hit it hard Fri-Sat-Sun this weekend in hopes of filling my 2nd buck tag. I like being tagged out before December so I don't have to hunt when it's super cold.
Congrats to all the KILLERS over her on Team #3. I guess being 6' 3" and setting up stands for myself doesn't make it very easy for someone 5' 4" to climb in it. Specially with a bumb shoulder. Be sure to bring your climber again next time.