Two hunts, zero deer. Off to a rockin' start this year. :D Congrats Christine on the doe. You're a stone cold killer.
Congrats Christine on the doe. I was out Saturday morning and evening. Saw 2 in the morning, and 4 at last light in the evening, but no shot opportunities. Hopefully I can get on an evening or two this week. Weather is suppose to be crappy though thru Thursday.
I'll be heading back out this Wednesday and Thursday afternoons. Cooling off again after this cool front passes through. I haven't been out since I shot my doe but anxious to get out there again.
Thanks guys, I have only been out once since opening morning. Too much stuff going on. Too warm. I took my truck in for repairs and I spent $1170.00 and the 'service engine soon' light still comes on. That hurts. My mom is coming down to visit on Wednesday so it would be kind of rude to disappear all day to hunt so I probably won't be back in the woods till this weekend at the earliest. Good luck team.
I haven't hunted since opening weekend either, and I can honestly say it doesn't bug me one bit. Spent some quality time in PA with the in-laws, and sat out a weekend of 80+ degree temps. Supposed to head out to Todd's place for a quick hunt Wednesday afternoon, hopefully I can at least put down a doe for the team. Then heading down to the lease this weekend. Not too optimistic to get on a nice buck, but you just never know!
Good luck Justin. Next weekend I'll be heading up to northern missouri for the weekend. I like my chances up there. The deer step up in size above the Missouri River.
I'm going to head out this afternoon if I can shake this cough today. Getting over a mild cold and now I'm in the coughing stage. Really want to get out after this cold front comes through.
Got a doe down on the ground this weekend, so chalk up 50 points for The Big Deals. Passed up a good 3 year old on Saturday morning, just wan't quite what I was looking for but the footage is great. 22 yards in the wide open, looking the other way. It was awfully tempting! Had a really cool encounter with a nice 2 year old this morning. He was with a doe at less than 15 yards for about 20 minutes, grunting and snort wheezing at her. Great footage of that too. Can't wait for the rut.
Congrats JZ! I saw my first buck on my third outing of this year. He was about a 35" five pointer. I plan to get back out there on Tuesday. Maybe the fourth time is a charm??
I made us a pretty sweet avatar if anyone wants to use it. Oh, and I entered my doe in the score card too. Planning on killing a 140 plus pretty soon since none of you sissies are doing anything productive. :D
Lovin the avatar. I'm headed up to northern MO this weekend. 150 points away from my goal of the 200 point club. I'm all about lofty goals.
I've been out for 9 sits so far this season, and have been blanked on 5 of them. The 4 that I have seen deer have been too dark to take a shot, or out of range.But it is a long season and things should start to get heated up here soon, so I'm keeping my hopes up. Sweet avatar, only problem, I have no idea where to find it!
It's not that I'm not being productive. I'm pacing myself. :D I'm also trying to go down to Jmbuckhunter's place and shoot his big buck. This would kneecap team 14 and help us out.