Well here she is. Not too much to the story. She snuck up behind me and I heard something, looked back and she was 15 yards away. I slowly grabbed for my bow as she made her way right under my tree. She must have picked up my scent from walking in and she looked up my tree and gave a few head bobs. Then she took a few quick steps out to about 20 yards where I stopped her and shot. Entered right behind shoulder and exited just in front of other shoulder. Went about 30-40 yards and piled up.
Nice work Mo_bow, meat in the freezer, and 50 pts. for team 3! I still have 2 more weeks till our season starts.
Nice job MO! FINALLY the season opens here on Friday, so I've got a very small chance of actually killing something. The farm I'm on doesn't have many deer so I won't be shooting does, which means if I let an arrow fly there will be some real points on the board. Of course there's about a 2% chance of that happening, but you just never know.
Your smokin crack Justin! Any and I mean ANY slick head that walks by me is getting smoked! The freezer does not look nice only seeing Ice! I need meat!
Good Luck!!! The season opens here on Friday, the big buck in the area is now gone. My youth hunter gave him an education. Oh well, the kid got a great memory.
Well, what you gonna do...at least you got him out hunting. Your season hasn't even opened yet. Keep your hopes up, he'll be back in the area and if not, come the rut you never know what will show up.
Yeah, I'm about 45 min or so East of the club itself. It's a farm I've been hunting for a few years now, but never really had a chance to hunt it much. My #1 goal is to kill a nice buck there this fall. So far this looks like the most frequent candidate. I call him Pistol Pete. The only problem is since he came out of velvet all his visits are after dark.
Nice looking deer. I haven't had any cams out since August so I have no idea what is roaming around any of my spots.
I plan to hunt tomorrow morning. (If I can get my sorry butt outta bed at 3am) Still need some tags too. How'd season get here so fast???
The PA opener is finally this Sat. I will be out in the morning, and hopefully the evening, weather forecast is for the low 50s and partly sunny. I can't wait! Good luck to everyone going out Friday.
I got up in time! I forgot my rangefinder. The batteries were dead on my gps. I put my climber on a crooked tree. Once in the tree I took an arrow out of my quiver, put the arrow on the string and then dropped the quiver on the ground. Oops. A doe and two fawns show up before light and eat acorns in front of me. Just as it gets to be shooting light a jogger came down a nearby trail and ran them off. Later this doe came by.
Congrats Christine. Big Deals are getting off to a good start. Good luck to all you guys with seasons opening this weekend. I am fishing in a bass tournament with $50,000 prize going to big bass and $160,000 is total payouts. Wish me luck.