JZ, Germ and Frank... Team Sexy. I have no plans to go back to Campbell's anytime soon. I will sell some kidneys and try to get back over to Brown Co.. Otherwise, I'm doing the public land thing.
If you can find a buck with scales on it, Christine will kill it. I think fish slime makes good cover scent!!
You should hunt the public land in Brown Co. I hear they kill some good ones out of Buckhorn every year. Residents only, and archery only. Can't be that bad!
gunna check trailcam on saturday to see if i can pattern these deer. if i can get a south wind the first or second weekend, we should get some points on the board. anyone got there deer patterned yet. justin how do you keep tabs on you lease that 5hrs away? do you just wing it?
Yep, I pretty much wing it when I get down there. IMO unless you have the perfect piece of property and a whitetail that's really willing to cooperate it's pretty tough to "pattern" a deer come October. Now if our season opened in September, that would be another story. I personally believe that if you focus in on current sign at the time in conjunction with known travel routes based on time of year/weather/wind/food and you can be successful anywhere. At least that's what I keep telling myself. :D
JZ, I've thought about hitting Buckhorn but it's a bit of a haul for a day hunt. The other thing is the terrain is kind of tough. If I got a mature buck out there, it might take me days to get it out. (It took me 2 hours to get a 2.5 year old buck across a CRP field and into my truck. ) Maybe I'll hunt down there when you're in the same county. You'd help a teammate drag out a deer, right??
I would walk over burning broken glass shards dipped in salt to help you Christine.* *provided it doesn't involve dragging large deer up large hills. :D
1 week, 2 days til opener here. I should be able to get out and have a good chance at a doe. Pulled the cam and had tons of does and only a few small bucks. It would be great to have another cold snap like this past weekend.
How about: 1. Archers Anonymous 2. Freaks of Nature 3. TKO 4. Back 40 5. 10 Angery Archers 6. Archery Outlaws 7. Hardcore Carnivores 8. Organized Chaos 9. Eve of Destruction 10. Nemesis
As far as team names suggested so far, I like Inglorious Archers and 10 Angery Archers. Also are we picking a captain?
I'll make a vote for The Big Deals. After all I have many leather bound books and my office smells of rich mahogany.