Hello gentlemen. It's good to see you all....now let's come up with a name. Something cool. Something hip. Something like "The Beastmasters"
well half of us have replied...wheres the other 5??? right now we got 5 hunters, 3 states and one goal! cant wait for opening weekend and a south wind!
here!! Sorry I am here. WoooHOO on with Justin. Big Dog himself. BTW here are a few bucks I have on trail cam. Hope tp see one during the season. also I am headed to MOntana in November woohoo again.
sweet, 6 accounted for! nice bucks frank. how bout "die Reh-Jäger" German for "the deer hunters" or the "Whitetail-Assassins".
Fraaaaaaaaaaaank! Man, how did the two sexiest guys on this forum end up on the same team? It's a sign from above that we're going to dethrone the INfamous "BBK". With 130Woodman on their team this year he will be the anchor that sinks their dinghy. :D Our team should be called "American Death Machine"
Team America.... **** Yeah! I'm still in fish killing mode.. Noggin Popper! I'll get up to speed with the deer thing soon.
Yeah, and I'm not going to hunt too hard or I might break a nail. Somebody has to be the dead weight.
As long as you guys keep going down to hunt with Campbell's I don't think there will be any objections to having a girl on the team. haha