Team 3: TEmbry PABuck_HNTR rut MO50 OHbowhntr littleshooter PSE Buck Killer DEERSLAYER Welcome Team 3!! Lets get everyone checked in...
Easy Bro, it's only been half a day..... Checked in, been chompin' at the bit for a few weeks to get in Colorado and find an elk. Gonna be slow wanting to deer hunt after being in the mountains of Colorado elk hunting, deer hunting will likely be a bit anti-climactic for a spell......
Here and checking in. I leave in 2 days for my first hunt of the year. Since I will likely (hopefully anyway) kill a deer, and there are no point conversions for different species...don't expect much from my end. A 75" deer is a P&Y to put it in perspective. I should be good for around 125 points after I take a doe though.
Sitka Blacktail. Will have 3 buck tags! Bags are packed, leaving in give or take 25 hours. Have a few hours of work tomorrow and a LOT of hours of waiting around to leave, lol. Will check back in in September fellas!
doug you take it easy out in Col / waite a second, no you hunt real hard in Col and take it easy when you get back to hunt Deer good luck all!!!!!!
checking in! Im ready to kill a monster and a doe. i have a huge buck i saw last year and hopefully i will get it this year. its probably in the 200 range.
Checking in.Had a great season in '08.Killled 3 big bucks and a doe.Hope this season goes well for everyone.
Checkin' in too!! So excited, this will be my first official season! Going shooting this weekend - gettin' warmed up! Looking for my first buck! Good Luck to all!!
Team 3: TEmbry PABuck_HNTR rut MO50 OHbowhntr littleshooter PSE Buck Killer DEERSLAYER Almost got everyone checked in. Whens everyone season open? Sept 15th here in MO.
Not as addicted to this site as you guys I guess. Not on here every day. I'm here Be sure to get Doug's deer bologna recipe (OHbowhntr)
Dont worry about being addicted to the site. Our team is certainly not going to win based on post counts, lol. As long as we are all addicted to bowhunting we'll be fine.
There ya go Doug!!! Use about 1TBSP of the Quick Cure if you want it to last longer than a week, but I halve it because I think it almost overtakes the flavor. If you guys got a couple pounds of left over GROUND VENISON, this is EASY, and won't last long if you have a little gathering. Plus, it will make you want to kill more deer after eating it!!!! I put 4 deer in the freezer last year, lost about 50# of meat (one medium sized doe) so I had to put a HOLD on my usage d/t to an elk hunt that I will be needing about 5# of jerky for, otherwise, I've have used up every pound making this stuff. Good Luck to everybody, and shoot straight and keep them shots in the lower half of the chest, and you'll be filling freezers!!!
I'm here and checking in. Gri22ly just called and told me the teams were drawn. He was kind of bummed he wasn't on my team because he really wanted to win it! (You listening Gri22ly? )
Our regular season starts October 1 and ends January 3. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's success. Good luck to all of you!
Chris, Not sure how, but I buzzed right by this, but rest assured, I'll be hunting hard in both places. But I will start out LAZY on the deer hunting if the elk hunt is successful, no doubt about that!!! :D
Team Name? Now that we are all here (I think) does anyone have a team name in mind? Maybe something like "The Undertakers"? Or maybe "Slayer Incorperated"? Anybody?