I wonder if he is going to be honest and enter the first one he killed or just pick the largest one? :D
Some phrasology about counting chickens comes to mind here... Trevor's heads have disappeared and I don't think they put an official tape to them at my house before flying out. I wonder if one of the other team's members is an airline baggage handler?
We actually did "officially" score them with a 1/4" tape out in camp, all 6 of them. It hit 94", just don't remember the fraction or if it quite made 95". Hoping the racks show up. Gross scored in camp without the added fractions at the end, they went 81,84,84,85,94,105. And to ease all concerns, my first buck actually was my biggest, by far. I filled the other tags more for the video than the wow factor of antlers...but was EXTREMELY happy with all 3 bucks.