Believe me, it's not that I didn't try that before I let you know. By the camera pic's I'm just getting exercise. Most of them are still carrying both sides.
Didn't make it out at all last weekend as I had hoped. Drove past a new spot I'm hoping to look at this weekend instead. Was really tempted to start walking but the -40 wind chills kept me in the truck.
Took the rest of this week off. Was going to make the hour plus drive down to the land today, and what do you know, 2 inches of snow last night, and now supposed to get another 5-7 between saturday and sunday. Lol thats my luck. I suppose though this cold weather will hopefully make the rest of them drop.
Found the first fresh one of the year. Number 6 total. Some guys from my work told me where they saw a buck with only one side so naturally I took an early lunch and headed out and luckily found the missing side leaning on a fallen limb.
I was really hoping to get my first atl in the snow but I was about a day late at this spot. Ten feet the other direction still had 3 or 4 inches though dagummit
Good eyes in the grass. Haven't been able to get out. Going to try this evening after work for an hour or so. We'll see how it goes.
It's like hunting mushrooms, once your eye gets trained the antlers catch your attention. I found two today while burning grass but I'm not going to download the pics until tomorrow maybe...I'm beat.
Went to Cade's Cove in Tennessee this weekend and saw two monster bucks still packing and about 10-12 other bucks that had dropped both sides...I was dying to walk around just to see what was laying around but wasn't able to get away from the family long enough. I know within an hour I would have had at least one, it was killing me!
Hoping to go check trail cam pics this weekend see if they have started dropping here yet or not. February was a screwy month down here and march hasn't been much better lol. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk